found my cat dead outside no marks
They took her back and tried eveything to revive her with no success. So with the most pain in my heart we decided to cremate her which they said they would return her back to us next week. Then Baby appears and just akwardly takes one step towards us…stumbles into the lamp on her right and falls over on her left side. He sleeps in bed with us every night. I just wish I knew this for sure. We all are still in shock and been crying. I came to the decision to euthanize her. He was a family cat and we had him for 17.5 years but I mostly took care of him- so I knew when he was hungry, wanted food etc.. I didn’t want my poor baby in pain any more. It seems so un-natural that our 7-month-old would die suddenly. My husband found her on the porch and thought she was asleep. I do remember hearing noises in the middle of the night, but I thought it was just the cats playing. My heart dropped bc I was at work and my husband called and all I heard was cries, he couldn’t even explained what happend. Probably a heart issue or blood clot. I didnt know what to do so I stayed with her and talked to her until she took her very last breath. He was with me for 10 years – wasn,t even my cat to begin with. I tried to make her breath and see if she was chokeing on somthing. Love and miss him…he will not be waking us up tomorrow morning with his pathetically cute meoww at the sink. He didn’t know what happened, maybe poison? Then this morning when I came back to the house my mum told me that it had made a mess on the floor and was hiding under the sofa. My girl friend and I started crying and we just kissed him and patted him all over, carried him in his bed and took him to the vet. He made me laugh every day. he used to come to the shops with me, he would jump up onto my car as soon as i pulled up, he would jump onto my back and sleep curled around my neck. I am so heartbroken, she was only 3 years old. I am totally torn apart to lose my beloved pet of 7 years. The vet said it may have been a blood clot. Though he wasn’t around long, he lived a life better than most. The day before she passed she did all these things and kept pacing the house like she was making sure everything was in its place. If anyone receives any answers as to why this happens to cats, please post it. Lucky cat. On Friday 11th September 2009 I aarived home from work feeling something wasn’t quite right as I went to open the dining room door, my instinct was right and as much as I wanted the black, still, body drawing my attention to be all in my imagination of one whole nightmare of a year; the whole reality was just too much, nothing was going to make this situation vanish! My 16 year old cat Bleu died last week while taking his uusual nap on the front walkway he was alive 1/2 hour before. The vet said she probably died of a heart related disease. He had no prior sympthoms. This topic has been on our minds too, since our beloved dog Aki is getting ready to leave her body. She was fine the days before eating, playing and loving on us like always. She was killed on the road and I feel so guilty for not bringing her in. In the early years things were somewhat different as she used to chase any animal that got in her way. My dad looked him over and saw nothing wrong. His spirit is with me, supporting me. Is so hard , i was assured by vet there was nothing i could do not to blame myself, that when i got tom he was on death row so i gave him a loving home for 5 and a half years, he was mistreated as a kitten had cigarette burns on his ears.I will always think ofg you and love you my special boy. I just cant understand how it died so fast. I’m praying that cats do go to heaven and I pray that he’s happy now and he knows how much I loved him and look forward to our reunion. My heart goes out to you, i know what it feels like i got my kitten 2 days after Tom died didn’t replace him but she has a lot of the character that he did, i stiil call him when i come home out of habit. Made it through surgeries and devastaing pain. Subscribe to our email list to be instantly notified when we make a new post. I just thought they were caused by hairballs. I got home, he cuddled on my lap a bit, then went to sleep on the other couch. I called him and he’s nowhere to be found. A big hole in my heart. Siouxsie: Hypertension can cause cats to have strokes because small blood vessels bleed into the brain. I was in denial bc i know is not realistic but i kind off thought she would always be with me. It’s possible that your cat may have “thrown a clot” and had a stroke or some other terminal episode. He apparently suffered a massive heart attack and was gone. God, I love him so much and miss him like crazy already. We love you Tach! But other than that…the vet said she was perfectly healthy. My husband found my best friend in the world, my cat Roxy, this morning in front of my neighbor’s home. My cat George died about a year ago and it was the most sad day of mine and my sisters life.I’m only 12 and school was out and we were going to my grandmother’s house to stay while my mom and dad went to work. I left work immediately and sure enough he was just lying on top of the bed. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a pet. Similar story to all of the above…healthy, vomited during the day, but nothing unusual…figured it was a hairball. For the peace of mind of the owner, it is important that you take them to your local vet to check for a microchip. I hope Blanchot rests in peace. I had just put him in his carrier to take him to the vet’s office to be bathed and groomed. or if there is a disease thatwe do not know about yet?? We didn’t see any liquid or blood around. But, as with humans, cats can die exceptionally young or live many years longer than the average. We buried him today in the back garden…. When I first got home, I sat down and had lunch before I went upstairs to see him because I thought he was just napping on my bed. Anyway the morning we woke up our mom called us into the living room and told us the cat had died during the night. I can’t stop crying and I beg for him to come back every day. Frankie had been full of energy, cuddling and run around, acting completely well. Both occasions occured in the evening and by the morning he was back to his usual self. I already suffer from slight depression and I am so sad. as I am to myself…. Watched my wife start laundry played in the hamper then layed down and that was it. I am so heartbroken and distraught that I can’t eat or drink. My mother-in-law’s cat died suddenly last night and it sounds as if her circumstances were similar to your cat’s. My boyfriend found him lying on a shed roof 2 gardens away. He is 14 and I can’t shake the thought that I should not have let him go, I should have called him back, I know he would have come if I called him! She was gone. I will see you someday in Heaven. Our house feels so empty without her. No one can ever fill the hole he left in my heart, but I hope he knows how very much he was loved. The vet told us about feline heart disease, and how this type of unexplainable death is most common middle aged male cats. I wish I could make it better for her. I quickly while she was alive checked her throught for an obstruction and tried hymlick, her toungue rolled out of her mouth and her eyes soon went back, she was gone, my best friend sneakers the cat died only at 5 years old. Two days ago on monday morning my cat sneakers died, she seemed fine. But the first time she seemed really “off” was the day she died. I found him last night in my yard, Eyes open wide, mouth open and he had saliva running out the side of his mouth, He was healthy and I have no clue as to what happen to him, He was streched out, like he was ready to roll over and get his belly he loved so much..I’m comepletly clueless and heartbroken, I couldn’t afford to get him examined so I buried him this morning. Holding her and rocking her to please come back. I call her name, and click my fingers. Thank you for letting try to place my feelings into words. did a family member that was close to the cat die, or leave or did the cat lose a cat companion… i heard of a cat dying cause its owner died and it was heart broken.. I returned from P.T. Love, mommy. Now I’ll never hear him purr at me or meow, wanting to go outside. Gill… I am sorry for your loss of Tigger. I tried to catch yesterday with no luck. I put him down immediately, made sure he was comfortable, and watched him. Geri, I lost my dearest friend today, Miyu. I found her on the bathroom floor gasping for air. When my husband came to bed last night George was still asleep on the couch in a pile of cats where he had been sleeping since I had gone to bed to read. She has been scared inside the garage only coming out when someone was out there scince our new family member came (the wild cat.) Without you i don’t know what I would have done the past years. I called the vet and they said there is no way we can know what happened uless we do a narcopsy but he did mention heart disease. Thank you for changing our lives xxx goodnight & godbless xxxx. He seemed perfectly fine all day today, but as i was sitting at this PC he was laying not that far from where i was sitting, i dont recall how long he was laying there, but i thought he was fine. He was 7.5 years old. My heart dropped and I couldn’t accept it and told him she’s probably sleeping. My 8yr old cat also passed away just yesterday morning unexpectedly.No signs what so ever.It is very upsetting especially the way she was on the sofa it looked like she died in her sleep with one eye open.We will always have to live with the fact that we didn’t know why she passed away and the image of her just stiff on our sofa that she loved to sleep on at night. I also keep wondering if I could have saved her by taking her to the vet. What makes this all so painful is just three days ago she was her normal self, then she started showing signs of lethargy, not being able to urinate and or defecate and would just lay on her side breathing very heavy and gasping for air. he was the first pet i ever had and loved him so much, i got him when i was 10 yrs old. I reached and called his name and when I touched him he was cold. My vet said it might have been a heart issue. She lost her sight in March very suddenly and the vet could not give use a cause. She took such good care of her cat. She was waking around and purring and licking on us like crazy!! Danny, born 21 November 2007 (by RSPCA books), a black short-haired wonderfully kind, easily frightened, beautiful boy, with stunning amber eyes, (blue when he was little), playful, energetic, and moderately to very well behaved, absorbed my attention from the moment I saw him in the rescue centre. His eyes were clear and bright, even though he had a bad eye infection when we found him and the only issue he ever had was bad teeth. I had two beautiful cats, brother and sister. Every year I took her to the vet. She met my now husband and well she gave him a tough time, as the diva queen she was. The veterinarian did not do an necropsy or a biopsy as we were not in any state of mind to request the procedures but having to put my feelings aside I researched her terminal symptoms and it appears she died from FIP–Feline Infectious Peritonitis . Frantically searching for the answers I came across this blog and read the entire thread. We had told our daughter that he’d probably be here through college. A huge loss. Shortly before bed time he came back inside and jumped on the couch with me. I have cried solidly since – she was my baby and she slept with me and cuddled with me every night – I can’t imagine life without her, I keep thinking was there something I could have done, was it my fault, what if this and that. He ate alot and played alot with his brothers. Thomas: There’s no real way to know why your cat just went to sleep one night and never woke up. Every night he would sleep above my head. He was just such a sweet affectionate cat. My 14 yr old daughter found him downstairs. I feel so guilty, we got our tax return, and I still never fit that in, a vet bill. – He always used to sunbathe there. At least she was in a peaceful place when she passed and like my son said “she died doing what she did best and that was sleeping”. I’ve never experienced the love I felt for him and it still just seems so unfair that a creature of God’s that was so loving and giving could leave this life so soon. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy causes the muscles in part of the heart to thicken and not work as well. I welled up a bit due to shock. Everywhere I look in my house, there is a memory of Scooter. Danny, my son, my best friend, my companion, through everything this year I told him numerous times I wouldn’t know what to do without him, as blow by blow things were tumbling round me. That same year, I was a single woman with no prospects, (I am now married,) & I was also informed by my doctor that I could not have children. He was a great cat loved so much, he died so young. I found him in rigormortis in his one of his favorite sleeping spots. Clarence saved Georgie’s life when they were just kittens. The vet thinks he too has a heart problem, so we are doing what we can for him. We would play “hide-n-seek” with her, we would hide and she would sneak up on us. He was amazing! Me, my mom, and my sister heard a noise like something falling then a strange noise and I had been watching a scary movie earlier so I was afraid to go and look and then we heard a cry and we all thought it was my grandma so we ran out. I also have another cat and she keeps running through the house looking for her sister!! He was 7 and we were laying in my bed this afternoon and out of the blue it sounded as if he was choking. – So are we not all subjected to the same fate after death, human or animal? My heart sunk and my eyes were watery. I watched in a blink of an eye, my beautiful year old little man pass way, for no reason. I really loved her and I wept my eyes out by her side, she meant alot to me and it has affected my eating and sleep. This is so heartbreaking to watch I just want to crawl in a garbage can and die! These clots can break loose and travel to the lungs or the brain with disastrous consequences. He had an attack when he was about 1 years old. he was only 1 and a half. As usual he would intermittenly come inside for a drink and say a quick hello before returning back to his patio. My 18 year old kitty Billy was certainly a lot more talkative in the last few weeks than usual and active, being the character he’s always been. it’s difficult , I admit, especially at the beginning. I pray I will see my buddies again some day when my time has come. His last day was completely normal. These diseases have pretty obvious symptoms, though, and it would have been hard not to notice something wrong if your kitty had CRF or hyperthyroidism. He never tried to run off, just sniffed around and rolled in the grass. Her sister, Louise, also my 14 year old cat is missing her too. He was missing for a week, then we found him in the deepest darkest part of the crawl space, rigormortus and really hard to get out. Mid-morning, he vomited some of his food and I cleaned it up, and told him it was okay. Sounds almost like what happaned to my baby boy Billy this past friday. He had been active as usual up to that moment. Teresa, I lost my kitty, Mike yesterday. I am completely destroyed I don’t understand he was only 8, with a life expentancy of 19. He’s famous for eating plastic and things so I checked to see if he was choking but found nothing. She was persisting too. I reached out to see if he would move but I already knew what to expect. These cookies do not store any personal information. I just can’t get over Boo Boo’s passing. I and everyone here understands how you feel <> to you and your family. She died in much the same manner. He had just a little drop of blood coming from his nose. I went outside he was perfectly happy and I got told 5 minutes later he was dead. Dilated cardiomyopathy causes the heart to get big and flabby — once again, causing the heart to work poorly. The groomer was so shaken up by this incident and I don’t blame her. It had very bad mange so brought it to the vet. My heart goes out to you as well. In this article, we discuss some of the possible causes of sudden cat death. We raced to the Emergency vet which took about 5 to 8 minutes tops. Trying not to think of that as it’s devastating enough as it is. His larger than life antics, endearing purrs and gentle giant disposition blended together to create a rare creature indeed. Cats are usually very skittish and if a stranger had come up and poked and prodded it it would've probably hissed and spit. How odd to have them go so close together. This morning I woke up to find my cat dead outside. I wish I could have stroked your beautiful silky fur one more time and looked into your sparkling eyes. Very heartbroken was very sudden he had no signs of illness. She is grieving, but I think she is still in shock. We have no idea how he died, he was my adorable little weasel and we can’t even believe hes gone… He died on his side, with his mouth and eye open. There was no vomit, no blood, no fluids anywhere. He was born in May. Dear Most Esteemed and Knowledgeable Kitties: Siouxsie: The death of an animal friend is never easy, Faye. My sweet Girl died today while I was at work. Lost my sweet boy Tigger today. Bless all of you. And I’m glad I ready because I have been feeling so bad all day. Odd thing is Coco was never sick … always had check ups.. and did teeth, Revolution, etc.. and the best food and cat litter.. I found him on the side on the floor with quite a lot of fur chunks around him. We have several wonderful cats and like many have loved and cared for them since they were all kittens. My advice is to keep ‘talking’ to your cat in the period soon after thay die. The house is so quiet without him. That was scary! He just had his 3rd birthday in February. When he was younger he was a lion in the house, bold and dominant. However, within the last few weeks, he did have an insatiable appetite and would go from dish to dish and finish up what the others left behind. Sorry for not taking you to the Vet Moe, I didn’t know you were that bad. And I hope my Harley Barley is lying the sunshine soaking up some sun. He comforted me thru many thing and saved me from others, but in the end i couldn’t save him. Everything cleared up and it was doing just fine. She was still warm, I had just missed her. I keep searching online for help. She was the best cat I have ever had and I miss her terribly. We buried him just where he loved to sunbathe in the garden. I got to say ‘goodnight’ and tuck him in. I have just spent the whole day crying and can’t feel it will stop there…we buried our baby in our garden… She was only 3 years and 3 months young! First off, I am SO sorry to hear this! He had his daily routines, and we all relied on him more than we knew. Pixie we love you so much, Frank and Robin, I am sorry to hear about your Pixie. His location and appearance suggest not an accident, but maybe a heart or other condition I was unaware of that others here have mentioned. by the neighobors, or is our cat food supply STILL tainted with Melamine in some way? I accepted it, but his face leaves an imprint. I love you and miss you Hobbit. I keep looking at the spot where we buried her trying to convince myself that shes really in the ground and not running around somewhere in my house. Prayers to all who have lost something so dear to our hearts. Then I noticed that she appeared (I assume) to have soiled herself, and that her tail was coiled around in such a way that her body was lying on top of it. If she would have shown signs of being sick I would have brought her to the vets. My brain was about to say “no”, but when I opened my mouth, my heart took over and I said “…yessss…” The next day I chose a sweet little kitty who was black all over except for her chin, paws and belly. I’m not sure if I would have felt any less pain but this way I’m left with the uncertainty of not knowing. Then, at 6:30, he was lying there. We miss her so much.. We remember u for ever….. To our lovely cat s died. I dont know if these events were related to his death but having read all the comments I can only conclude that he suffered heart failure. I can’t believe he is gone. Just frozen, hissing at something. X. I woke up today to find my beloved cat dead. My only wish was to be with him one last time before he passed away. I am in shock he didnt seem sick or anything and was fine the night before. I feel so lost without Rico around. He was the most beautiful, long-haired, black, lil guy we have ever known. I didn’t know what to do. Letting us hold her more, brush her more and spending more time with us than usual. I couldn’t even go to work today. My Big baby is/was 11 years old, a very large cat by nature coming in at almost 3 feet long. I miss her. My cat died a few days ago but I feel incredibly guilty. I rescued him in Missouri and brought him with me to California. I gave her more pain medication but it didn’t help. I hope to find out soon what happened to him as he was a healthy, active cat. I am so sorry, it is a horrible way to lose a pet. I now have 3 new cats (long story!) But somehow, knowing that others have had similar experiences at least makes me feel that it perhaps her death was not due to something we did or didn’t do. Lisa I sympathise with you greatly as this morning i woke to find our beautiful Torby cat ‘Honey’ dead at the bottom of the bed…..she had not appeared sick before this but did not eat a great deal ever….. Ten minutes later, I heard a bang upstairs. I thought that would be nice for her. I don’t understand what could have happened. He had lost a lot of weight since getting another cat but I thought he was ok after a few months. Thanks guys. I have one more cat, she’s four and fat and anti-social for the most part but as Billy wa mewling yesterday whiel I was feeding him, she came out to mewl at me, either in sadness or protest at what I was doing I don’t know. She loved to be outside. And thank u for all u guys stories, the whole time I was blaming myself and even gave the vet a bad look bc she told me there is nothing sometimes I can do. I went downstairs and she meowed for food. Words cannot express how awful I feel. I’m at a total loss because he was a young, vibrant cat and there were no signs of him being sick. Uggggggggggg. Especially in a healthy looking cat.. my vet looked at me strangely when I asked for my healthy cats to have their levels checked.. She showed no signs or symptoms of being ill. Just breaks my heart all over again. Raced him to vet but died on arrival. I keep telling myself that knowing would not bring him back anyhow. I have since read that secondary poisoning if people are leaving out rat or m ouse poison, if the cat catches and eats the mouse it can die from hemorrhaging which would explain bleeding from the mouth,, My cat of 10yrs died suddenly this morning with no signs of illness either. She and I would have long “conversaitions”, (I would talk to her & she would meow back,) and sing-a-longs, I would be singing or humming a tune and she would meow along with me. Never got sick. We called them Max and Matilda. I lost my Anna-bali today. We noticed nothing different in his eating patterns or playfulness. when i lifted him up there was vomit and blood in the litter around his mouth(checked for injuries-none found)prior to this he was a normal crazy healthy cat…what could have killed him? We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan.” — Irving Townsend, Yesterday, my best friend, my companion, my playpal, my best listener passed away. (not blood, though). So Sabrina, thank you for all the unconditionally love u gave me and then the love u gave my or I should say our husband (since she acted and demanded on him like a wife lo) I can’t explain how much I’m going to miss u!!! I lost a 17 year old dog last year… I just hope whatever Billy had isn’t contagious.
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