french dressing left out overnight
Historically, Arg has been closer to Europe than to the US in everything incl schools of thought. As Dale Carnegie said, knock a man down and when he gets up he will speak with eloquence about the wrong that was done to him. How are people who have lost businesses and livelihoods going to come up with the money to make up these back payments. These are the things that keep me awake. That’s my reading of the overwhelming majority of legal opinion. But it’s hard to compete with a woman who does it with a horse…. Unfortunately for Mr. Jefferson , the relevant paperwork still exists regarding this matter , with the relevant dates. They have reversed. When the reckoning goes down. Near as yours truly , at least , can perceive , Atheism is a whole lot of nothing. At least the Tim Hortons is drive through is still open and I can get my prescriptions refilled at Wal Mart. Hopefully, a man with a strong streak of Cincinnatus in his character. “We should follow that precedent. Not since my last rona rally. Biden’s 306 electoral votes are not legitimate. Sooner or later, after a period of chaos, we’ll get our Napoleon, or at least Franco. I’ve started to look at the cost to be a part of Medicare in the USA. I left a bottle of sugar-free nestle coffeemate creamer (french vanilla) on the counter for around 6 hours in the middle of the day, and on a pretty hot day (outside temp were just under 90 degrees). I think Bitcoin will be obsolete as a transfer mechanism, with litecoin etc now in use. They imply a power struggle in the CCP to ensue in the event that the surgery doesn’t turn out well. At least we were Blessed with no Queen Hilaria and her ilk administration in The White House with Bill sneaking out to meet his Energizer hook-up. Me, and all my friends, referred to each other in slang insult to Jew (ruso, the first Jews came from the pogroms in Russia and the term stuck), Italian (tano, cocoliche), Franchute, Spaniard (gallego bruto), Bolivian (bola), Turk (turco), Black (negro), Indian (indio), not to mention Fat (chancho), Dwarf (enano), Faggot (puto), Cripple (rengo), and Retard (mogolico)… “ya todos saben que Alemania esta de luto… son todos rubios… son todos putos” in World Cups (Everybody knows Germany is in mourning… they are all blond… they are all faggots”)… harsh, maybe… but nobody cared… I still don’t care… you can call me “spic” or “wetback” and I won’t be offended. The American Republic is, for all intents and purposes, long gone. I’m fine with taking the blame for not seeing it if it was there and I missed it though. To assume she would really care about the fate of someone she never knew even the most superficial things about . asking “Now what?” the answer is out there. ” You suck , because you are not a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I am essentially a variant of libertarian conservative, unhappy with Woke, RINOs and a diminished capacity by our Ruling Class to do SQUAT for our people. I like to mix the french toast batter in … “Did you all know that Warnock has received more money from California than Georgia? Did you ever really notice how big his nose and lips are? After a few weeks of this treatment, and while being bent over and sodomized by several of Butch’s…”advisors”, a thought comes to mind! But I don’t really want to say that , and make that plain , so ….. ”. Can’t hack that. It’s not just the voting machine hacking that’s the issue. You literally could run a nation quite well as a communist “worker’s paradise” or alternatively an anarchist’s wet-dream of a “libertarian paradise” if you had a population that was at least 95% high quality. Yhis is excellent and so easy. You can all congratulate me on Dec 31st. Four more years! That’s a 90% drop in electricity usage, which will make life, to coin a phrase, nasty brutish and short. Happy New Year everybody! Maybe they can install solar panels on the roof. Especially at 20%+ interest. It all came to a head in early 2020. And never the “news”. Anyway – I expect no-one’s going to do any resigning in the short term. Part of that routine is to eat a quick and easy breakfast, like microwave or overnight oats. So far, we have had a few airlines calling for it, and that Soros plant running Spain. The label says to keep it refrigerated, but it also has no lactose, gluten, or cholesterol. I think not only will they clearly demonstrate the steal but possibly go far beyond the election. About the only argument you can proffer against my gas chamber is this very dubious proposition that your great – great – great – great – great – great grand daughter might hate my guts. Under the 12th Amendment, the Electoral Count Act 1887, and Congress rules that have been used for decades, his role is to open the 51 envelopes and oversee the count (undertaken by four tellers). Its back almost at what it once was and yes they are emergency cards. Too many have already accepted the outcome, as evidenced by the lack of ANY blm/Antifa style protest. Andrew Yang, the ‘mild’ California Dem presidential alternative, spearheaded the news for Dems, countrywide, to visit Georgia ahead of the election, to take advantage of the then-new and illegal State regulations by GA Sec Raffensperger whereby anyone could use their hotel address or a P.O. But, America has dreadful problems, and JHK nicely sums up our predicaments and “solutions”, IMO. But hopefully, others are thinking along these same lines. Why cling to old resentments when so much is open for you, both in America and in the world? Judging by the number of elected an non-elected public officials doing the exact opposite of what they insist is necessary for survival, they don’t believe any of this nonsense either. Easily defensible in other words. Fremont took off, and the Republicans chose Lincoln. Its not an all or nothing. But no – you remain a petulant 11 year old. The 3 a.m. stoppages in the swing states were an emergency measure to calculate and then fraudulently insert enough votes into the system to overcome what they didn’t expect. BTW, who do you think will win the next Kentucky Derby? Yet they were the good guys against the Persians, and often simply defending themselves against Athens. The sad reality instead of worm spice to help see into the future you simply take another bite of the shit sandwich and double down on absurdity and vomit forth tripe. Control of this population is the only way to stop the stupidity. "Leaving cheese out overnight may impact the quality of the product, but would not—in most cases—result in a food safety issue," explains Adam Brock, director of technical services at Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.If anything, there's a good chance you're over-refrigerating your cheese. Thirty-six producers filed for bankruptcy in 2020, including Chesapeake, Oasis, Lonestar, Ultra, Whiting, and Chaparral. I substituted maple syrup for the corn syrup for a richer flavor. You get the gold star for the first impertinent post of the week. It seems like every day there’s an article about this or that coal or natgas fired plant being decommissioned, or abandoned, and a new offshore ‘windfarm’ planned, a field of solar panels constructed. NY through and through. Obviously Chavin’s knee on his neck didn’t help his distress and he succumbed. + Must Video – THE 17 NEWS, James Howard Kunstler nails it – THE 17 NEWS, Kunstler : les prévisions pour 2021 … – Le Saker Francophone, Kunstler : les prévisions américaines pour 2021 – les 7 du quebec, Mayoral, council politicking — let it be truly lococentric - Tulis Report, Happy New Year? For a day to issue a pardon – not impossible. My ‘list’ was just an extension of that, applied to a conglomerate of elite bureaucrats with a collective face like a smacked arse. Like John McWhorter’s and Matt Taibbi’s, especially. Pension funds are hurting the world over. USA behind 9 other countries, including Italy, Spain, and the UK, in deaths per capita. BTW that’s 2.6 times as many per/capita deaths as any other G& country. They’re not completely stupid, and neither are their monetary supporters and enablers. It’s not obvious what you’re trying to say. Salad dressing is best stored in the refrigerator after opening. Perhaps Christianity tipped the balance? The more permanent shift will be to America’s small cities and small towns, places scaled to the energy and capital resource realities coming down on us, including the need to live closer to where your food is grown. Good thing I canceled my subscription! Just the opposite is obvious , if not , granted , objectively demonstrable. “Occupation?” The lettuce is the moneymaker, but the $ made never quite offsets the $ owed: land in pricey South FL, massive structures, tons and acres of PVC, treated lumber, steel, every tool in the universe from a brand new Kubota to a rake, 120 filters of all sizes that need to be cleaned/replaced multiple times a day, and nothing works right. As the “Letter-opener-in-Chief” he will have a conspicuous but fairly formal role only. The Alt-Right was crushed at Charlottesville. Nutrient information is not available for all ingredients. Argies, despite being part of the White Diaspora, bought into this multikulti fad, and nowadays there’s not a single political party or media outlet that won’t celebrate the latecomers and vilify the original settlers. I especially love the take-down of the “Great Reset” – when one thinks practically about it, as you do, it simply doesn’t seem possible. I am fairly new (as a commenter, anyway) as well. “Sooner or later, after a period of chaos, we’ll get our Napoleon, or at least Franco.”. Time was when Jim’s EOY predictions were fun and an easy read. 2021 Thousands of words today, but what is the essence? Go pound sand, troll. Quality is all. I’m a Mexican archeology enthusiast and have been to most archeological sites, often following the route described by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, a soldier in Cortes army, in the book he wrote as an old man, “Cronica de la Conquista de la Nueva España”, one of the main voices from that era, available in English translation. There is an Argentinian community here, members of a Spanish National Community Center my in laws belong too. DC proved too much for the man. Are even just a tiny little bit serious about these posters “paid” to monitor this site…a “honeypot” as K-Dog referred to it upthread? God save Queen and Us from such gollums as you. Make this the night before and enjoy brunch with your kids rather than catering to them! You are an interesting poster. All ours. You may not know it but the resident in the Whitehouse has a cabinet of “like minded ” people who advice them. In which case: pitch it. Leave it out, uncovered, overnight. US oil production (minus natural gas liquids) down by 40-percent, year-end 2021. We’ve lost our capacity for indignation. They realize now that they fueled his rise & virtually created the Trump phenomenon by unleashing their attack dogs in the media, which he merely responded to according to his nature, being Trump.
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