gas water heater vent pipe installation
Also, I’m worried about possible gases in the house. Vent Pipe Through Roof (30 cm) Min. Go to this page: and open the “Use and Care Manual” pdf file (last one on the list). Calculate the cost of your chimney repair + natural vent type new appliances VS capping the old chimney and using new appliances venting through the side wall of the house with PVC vent pipes. / DON’T install reducing connector from 4″ draft hood to 3″ water heater vent pipe just to accommodate an old venting system. I assume that operating with the gas valve pinched back will reduce the amount of heat the burner can provide and increase the recovery time. Let me know if you have any other questions. You’re very kind Tony :-), thank you… The “white stuff” (most likely) on the vent pipes is a result of ventilation problems / possibly clogged chimney. When using water softener sodium is added in the process and anode rods tend to corrode much quicker, sometimes in as little as six months if the water is over-softened. Unfortunately you’d have to make a few holes in the chimney along its length in order to install those rods. Gas water heater vent pipe connector must continuously run upward towards the chimney entrance, rising not less than 1/4″ per linear foot, to provide proper draft. For this reason, water heaters with a power vent should not be installed in small, enclosed spaces. If you decide to go ahead and replace your appliances, consider stepping up to a high efficiency furnace and power vent type water heater(s). Missing chimney’s rain cap worsens the situation by allowing rain water penetration and causing interior wall surface and joints deterioration. Really we needed to add about 2-3 inches before it 90’s into chimney. It might be OK, but it all depends on the BTU’s of the water heater, draft hood diameter, horizontal and vertical runs length + offsets. It’s a condition caused by delayed ignition of gas in a combustion chamber. new Powered Direct Vent Series Gas-Fired Water Heater. Page 15: Water … Disconnect the Water Heater Vent (Gas Heaters Only) Disconnect the vent pipe from the draft hood on the top of the heater. After about ten minutes of operation the flame was much larger and nearly all yellow. Both connections start above the bottom of the pipe, and the problem I have is that the bottom is not capped. The new door is on the opposite wall. Chimney’s minimum height above the roof will depend on its positioning / location at the penetration point, distance to any structure, roof slope, etc. Will i have to increase the vent pipe size to accomadate both? So as you enter the laundry room, the roof slopes upward toward the back wall. No chimney. With direct vent installations, there is a sealed combustion chamber and a flue pipe. 4. new tankless water heater / eliminate the chimney / vent through the side wall of the house / you might need larger size gas line for it / the most expensive WH, probably around $2000 installed. As far as sealing off the ventilation in your crawlspace – very bad. To check the venting on your existing unit, close all windows and doors and turn on all gas appliances and exhaust fans and turn up the temperature on your water heater for a few minutes. There is an easy to follow guide here – Hart & Cooley Type B Gas Vent & All-Fuel Chimney Sizing Guide – open the lower one of those 2 pdf files, go to page #8, it starts at “Single-Appliance Vent Systems”. Our offering of gas water heaters includes atmospheric vent, power vent and direct vent models. Your to-do list is perfect: 1. Better late than never, I guess. As long as the pilot is stable, the burner ignites ok, and the flame looks good do you think it is OK to operate this way until the chimney flue can be properly sized? The water heater itself doesn’t really smell unless there’s something that has fallen into or through the chimney flue and is burning inside it. Can an non-power vented unit push 4 feet horizontally? Natural draft gas water heater vent pipe system is still dominating and as long as the property has favorable structural conditions and a chimney dedicated for use with gas burning appliances, you can use this type of venting. Keep the leg that connects to the union so you can re-use them later. If space restrictions require the water heater to be installed in a utility closet, make sure the closet doors are louvered, or space left at the top and bottom of the doors, to increase air flow. Remove any gas piping that is attached to the old water heater’s gas valve. However, you have to make sure that it’s sealed properly, you can use high temperature caulking (if permitted for such applications in your area), or seal the penetration around the pipe with mortar. In both cases, the water heater needs to be located near an exterior wall or a chimney for the venting system to work properly. Our team of in-house writers led by a retired Illinois home inspector. Always follow the appliance manufacturer’s recommendations and comply with your local code requirements – again – never downsize the water heater vent pipe! Yes, louvered bifold doors – four sections probably 6 ft. wide. When the gas water heater burner ignites, a small amount of heat / exhaust gases is usually dispersed around the draft hood. 3. Problems with proper drafting, chimney conditions and combustion air issues usually cause galvanized pipes to corrode. My situation is similar to your pic, except that mine is all sheet metal. Since gas water heaters use an open flame, keep combustible materials such as paint cans away from the unit. Thanks! That white residue could be also a product (or partial product) of efflorescence. Hello Curtis, Melting of the plastic ring (I’m assuming you’re asking about the water pipe union connector insulator) has not much to do with a properly secured vent / draft hood. In order to do this, two critical measurements must be taken: one on the ceiling above the water heater and one that is the distance from the attic floor to the roof. Selected location must provide adequate clearances for servicing and proper operation of the water heater. Any tips on supporting the pipes vertically inside the chimney (the manual states vertical supports every 4′). Correct combustion, vent action, and vent pipe installation are very important in preventing death from possible carbon monoxide poisoning and fi res (see Figure 14 & Figure 15). My uncle had all this installed my husband is wondering abt the height the pipe/ flute needs to be above roof . If your HVAC system creates a back-draft there might be a “leak” in the air supplying ducts. You could extend pipes further away from the fireplace flue and install some kind of a support, but the safest way would be to get that distance information from Rheem first. I performed the draft test using a flame at the base of the vent hood and there was a smooth steady draw toward the vent. One thing I can’t explain is the explosion at the end of the cycle. Partially closing the gas valve is not a good idea. As far as sealing goes, someone gave me some firecaulk. I don’t control the temperature in the crawlspace, it’s just well insulated due to the house being built on rock. Normally, the vent is hot up to a couple of feet from the tank. Over the years it corrodes, deteriorates and sometimes falls in pieces onto the burner, which might cause problems, compromise combustion, and result in CO poisoning. The height on the front 17′ wide (where the entry door is) is 6′, and the height on the back (where it shares the same wall as the garage) is 7′. I have a nautual draft water heater can i change it to a induced draft by just adding a motor or is there something I ned to do ? The connection between the draft hood and the vent pipe should be secured with sheet metal screws – three per connection on a single wall pipe are recommended. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. But now it’s perfect thanks to this video. They can vent separately or together through a double-wall pipe. Let me know if you need some help with it. They said nothing wrong. Check this important information – garage water heater requirements. Gas vent pipe from Grainger, manufactured by reliable companies like Ameri-Vent and Bosch, comes in lengths of up to 4'L. Check my new post explaining tank gas water heater maintenance and water heater inspection It’s important! Somebody will have to look at it and find a reason of that negative pressure and “vacuum” like effect HVAC system creates. You have 3 gas burning appliances that must have a constant fresh air supply to support clean and complete combustion process. Single wall gas water heater vent pipe / connector cannot be installed closer than 6″ from any combustible materials such as floor / wall framing, paper, etc.). The existing water heater is 40gal natural gas, 3 inch vent to chimney about 6 feet away. Let me know if this helps and NO, I don’t think that your water heater is defective, it’s just its safety feature response to the insufficient air supply. Yes Karl, fire rated caulking would be good for this purpose. When I turn on the hot water for about 45 seconds, I saw a small explosion (size of draft hood) from the WH by the draft hood. For horizontal installations is should be supported every 3’ – 3 ½” to avoid sagging … You didn’t mention the WH draft hood, vent pipe and chimney flue diameters, so I don’t know if this is the reason for the flame color issues. Because of the angles in the utility closet, the water heater sits about 3-4 feet away from the exterior wall. I would replace furnace and water heater vent pipes with double wall type. It stops about 6 inches from the roof. They also operate more quietly than their power-venting counterparts. The old one was just sticking into chimney (barely), and then like a mortar material around it to seal then annular gap. … Just like with your furnace, you need to have proper venting to exhaust the water heater’s toxic fumes to the outside of the home to keep you and your family safe. There IS NO second explosion at the end of a cycle. Pages 44, 45, 46 show the details of the direct vent, condensing type through the roof vent installation. Can I vent it out the side without a power vent? Thinking about relocating your natural draft gas water heater to the garage area? WH gas regulators are designed for dealing with the amount of gas provided from the gas meter / pressure regulator / gas piping. There are two other chimney ports for fireplaces, how can I direct the intake away from exhaust from the other ports (1 unused but functional wood fireplace in the middle and 1 seldom used natural gas fireplace on the other side)? The WH vent pipe / chimney drafting problems could be a result of the weather, combustion air problems inside your house, your house being too tight, some obstruction inside the chimney flue, oversized chimney, undersized chimney… So, without all those questions answered I can’t tell you what’s responsible for the melting, but it isn’t normal. When installing a gas water heater, building codes requires that they be ventilated out of the room, through the attic, and out through the roof. Hi. When it first fired the flame was “soft and blue” as described in the installation manual. UNTIL the next user turn on the hot water AGAIN, the cycle repeats like clockwork. Caveat: I live in a condo, on the third floor, so all the draining, piping and infrastructure is what it is. Your crawlspace is not a conditioned space (you do not control temperature and humidity in there?) For the gas water heater vent pipe system to operate properly its Draft Hood Has to be Centered over the vent hole, and its legs must be straight – any displaced or deformed draft hoods should be serviced / replaced if necessary. If your closet is “air tight” and its interior provides the only combustion air source for the appliances it contains, open its doors while running HVAC and monitor your water heater’s operation. Tankless Water Heater Venting Features. Make the vent pipe section between the water heater and the chimney as short and as straight as possible. You can use your old chimney as a chase for the new water heater vent pipe. The water heater is in my bathroom (12.5′x7.5′) on an outside wall and sits on a concrete slab foundation. Hello, It looks like there’s enough of fresh air in that room and since you’ve clarified that second “explosion” it seams to be ignition delay issue. I just had a ultra high efficiency water heater installed. Purchased products. Water heaters are unpredictable, they can last for a few more years or crack tomorrow. If you run the fireplace and the water heater at the same time, your appliance might start recirculating exhaust fumes from the fireplace. Number #4 is the most efficient type but it usually takes about 10 years to get your invested money back. Let me know if you have any other questions, Thanks. Are there any HVAC system air return ports inside the utility closet or next to the combustion air supplying ports (if such exist)? Just wanted to say thanks for this excellent instruction on venting. The dryer has its own dedicated vent pipe to the side of the bldg. With the gas shutoff, it’s a good thing the heating season is over so we’ll only have to do without hot water until I can get the chimney/gas appliance companies in. Hi Steve, 1. Replace the smaller size vent pipe with a proper / required size: -most 30 gallons, 40 gallons, and 50 gallons gas water heaters use 3″ diameter vent pipe, -75 gallons and more will call for 4″ and more. When venting through a chimney, a UL listed chimney or vent cap must be used at the termination point. Measure a straight section of new galvanized vent pipe to rise as high as possible before you install the adjustable elbow (the higher the rise, the better the draft). 1. If the discharge pipe is not connected to a drain or other suitable means, the water flow may cause prop- erty damage. I’d rather go with 7” maximum (if possible, keep the liner size closer to the minimum required diameter instead of a max. Compared to atmospheric, direct-vent water heaters offer more installation flexibility because they can vent horizontally. Is the utility closet equipped with a sufficient amount of combustion air providing vents – louver doors, ventilation ports between its interior and the rest of the house, exterior of the house (check combustion air article) 2. Corroding gas water heater vent pipes should be replaced as soon as possible, to prevent possibility of exhaust fumes / Carbon Monoxide contamination. b keep this manual in the pocket on heater for future reference whenever maintenance adjustment or service is required. Recently I noticed a problem which never happened before, and I’ve had this home for 7 years. The bi-product of incomplete combustion is carbon monoxide… Ask your HVAC guy about providing calculating sufficient combustion air supply for them. Installing the water heater: Vertical Vent Termination Location Only Rheem approved termination and parts should be used during installation. The venting can run either vertically or horizontally with a longer line to help with space and sizing issues within your home, which makes power vent water heaters … There are no other drainage options so they are going to swap out my new unit for one exactly like the one that was in there before, which was power-vented. © CheckThisHouse - 2021 - All Rights Reserved. The WH is inside a laundry room (17’x4′) on the back of a detached garage, and it sits on a concrete slab foundation. gas vent or chimney to which the water heater vent is going to be connected, and as centralized with the water piping system as possible. If I understand correctly, the builder forgot to put a chimney through the roof (the water heater and furnace vent pipes terminate in the attic?). Who is Responsible for Plumbing Issues on a Rental Property? To avoid another PVC exhaust stack in a commonly used area I would much prefer to run the intake and exhaust (separate 3″ PVC vents) up my chimney (30′ or so rise) in the existing, unlined 12″ chimney (previously used for an older furnace + HWH and now only used for soon-to-be-gone leaking HWH). It might run for a few more years or it might start leaking tomorrow. And what size do i need to increase to? Search within results … Let me know if you have any other questions. Direct-vent systems essentially "breathe" outdoor air, so they are not subject to the … Flame discoloration is in most cases related (like you’ve mentioned) to inadequate amount of combustion air that must be supplied to sustain complete burning, without producing CO (yellow flame does that). Rain water inside the chimney and condensation soaks into the brick / mortar / stone surface dissolving the alkaline salts.
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