how to control emotions in a relationship
It’s really that simple. Before refuting the trigger with your emotional argument, take a deep breath and stabilize the overwhelming impulse. We will help you do the same in this guide. You might end up staying in a toxic relationship as well if you become overly attached to someone and the thought of losing them makes you afraid. Tickle Fetish (21 Fun Ways To Tickle Your Partner), How To Deal With A Sensitive Boyfriend (27 Empathetic Ways), How To Stop Being Sensitive In A Relationship (21 Effective Ways), My Husband Has No Friends (7 Ways To Help Him Out), Something Doesn't Feel Right In My Relationship (13 Vital Things To Do), Secret Relationship (17 Ways To Have It With Someone), How To Get Husband To Help Without Nagging, 3 Easy Ways to Find Out If He's Cheating On You, How To Win The Silent Treatment (7 Sure-Fire Ways), Anniversary Gifts For Him (151 Perfect Gift Ideas), Why Do I Love My Boyfriend So Much? Though, you should not let your emotions drive your relationship. Your ability to control your emotions is crucial to the health and duration of your relationships. 1) To really take control of your emotions it’s important to think of your mind and emotions as a garden. The best way to feel better and in control is to stay positive, don’t dwell on past misunderstandings, especially when you’ve both already discussed things as partners. If you’re having a hard time with your anger, use a word or phrase to remind yourself to keep your composure. Try to have a different perspective of it and analyze if your emotions are justified or not. Since emotions and relationships go together, it’s a common question to have. Remember, you control your emotions. Negative emotions like rage, frustration, and bitterness are quite strong and can drive you to act irrationally. As soon as your mind starts giving you warning images, walk away, and try to cool off. The good news is that even though you may not realize it, you have complete control over your emotions. As hard as it seems to do, forgiveness is quite therapeutic and very powerful. Ask for divine guidance. and finding a good outlet for your emotions (i.e., exercise, mediation, or other stress-relieving tactics). Let go of these preconceived notions in order to avoid being too emotional. HerNorm is a community-supported website. Bhavya believes in breaking the stereotypes and trying new things because life is too short to let it stay boring. Keeping a journal is a great way to encourage self-awareness. So, to free yourself from the bondage of that situation, you will need to forgive him. You take away from your own power by focusing your attention on what the other person is doing. It doesn’t take much to develop out-of-control emotions in an argument. A helpful tip for how to improve your emotions in a relationship is to keep a mood journal. One of the major signs of lost feelings in relationships is the reluctance to engage in difficult conversations or any other form of argumentative discussion. If you’re both shouting then you wouldn’t be able to listen to each other, which means no communication at all. The first step to directing your thoughts towards the positives is to be clear about what is really happening. Posted Apr 05, 2016 You know how it is when things are approaching the point of no return in an argument. Required fields are marked *. Rather, it means that you simply need more practice controlling your emotions. Your partner will feel the difference and respect you more if you act consistent with your comments. On this point, however, it’s also important to recognise that the best time to deal with a “negative” emotion or reaction is when you first begin to … Relationships: Great relationships are your best investment in … Chances are that you can end up speaking something that you might regret afterward. Although you are in control of your emotions and how you respond to someone’s actions or words, a manipulative person will act in ways that attempt to elicit these negative emotions from you. But … 15 Not-So-Subtle Signs Your Partner Is Your Best Friend Forever. Home / Relationship emotions / how to control emotions in a relationship. Ask yourself questions like, “What triggered this feeling?” Were you upset because you felt disrespected? If the reaction was negative then you are trying to control now. It doesn’t take much to develop out-of-control emotions in an argument. Sometimes, it is not our words, but our body language and gestures that end up hurting others. It generated some conversation! Emotions are how we experience life. If you have a clear vision of what you want out of a relationship, it will help you stay away from relationships and men who make you feel powerless. When you’re stressed or emotionally overwhelmed, you’re more likely to misread other people, send confusing or off-putting nonverbal signals, and lapse into unhealthy knee-jerk patterns of behavior. Your ability to control your emotions is crucial to the health and duration of your relationships. If they’re fulfilled, you might feel contented, excited, or joyful. Continue to breathe deeply for five minutes, feeling as your muscles untense and your heart rate returns to normal. Nancy had been … Emotions are unarguably some of the most significant and powerful forces that drive us, they can either break or make us. For example, it’s a lot easier to deal with a feeling like a disappointment than it is to deal with grief over the loss of a loved one. Stay away from accusatory statements and be sure to take responsibility for your own faults. This gives us a far greater control over our lives. It is has been observed that we often have a conversation to reply and not to listen. People who are overly emotional often cling on to their past or get anxious by their future. By continuously being emotionally proactive, you’d build the habit of finding solutions to problems instead of being reactive and acting on a limb. When you’re completely calm you can approach your spouse and handle things rationally without any fights or permanent damage to your relationship. When we become emotional, the way we speak and react to certain situations changes a lot. You would be able to avoid all the unwanted arguments and can have a more transparent relationship with your partner. Train yourself to think first and act later, don’t be fast to act on feelings without pondering the consequences. Some statements can’t be taken back, they’re better left unsaid. 1. If you want to keep a check on your emotions, then have direct communication with your partner. acceptance to experience emotions that could harm a relationship if left to fester, and; vigilant active awareness to apprise us of what’s working and what isn’t. Suggested read: The Importance of Physical Touch in A Relationship. Past trauma makes us feel the need to control everything so life doesn’t fall apart again. Known for always choosing the wrong guys or messing up relationships, Sonya was finally able to change her approach and mindset when it came to dating which helped her eventually find the man of her dreams and become happily married. Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion — but it's important to deal with it in a positive way. Too often, I let my emotions drive my judgment which vastly impacts my relationships as well. I hope you found this article helpful. Being present involves way more than being aware of your present situation or state. Emotional needs play an important part in relationship satisfaction. 1. A lot of times, we give up to our emotions and end up ruining something special. One of the first step to control the emotions in love is by knowing what you feel for the person. Be detailed in your observations so you can identify how certain actions and situations affect you. As you would get worried over the slightest of issues, it can lead to stress and anxiety in the long-term. We may earn a small commission on purchases made through our links. They will appreciate your honesty and will certainly help you clear your mind. Feelings of excitement can motivate us to take chances. Our rational mind may know we’re not supposed to do or say certain things but our emotions make us override that knowledge. With emotional control, our goal is to experience emotions but to prevent them from influencing our actions. Sometimes, we become overly emotional over the simplest of things that don’t even need our attention. Suggested read: 10 Seemingly EASY Things That Are Very Difficult But Worth It in A Long Term Relationship. Much like emotions, your thoughts guide your actions, what you think about continuously is what you will act on. By accepting your emotions and confronting them, you would be able to tackle them in a better way. In this way, and when the time comes, we’ll be able to keep our distance before the events are triggered. If you are an emotional person like me, then you might find it hard to make pragmatic decisions at times. Your partner is trying to control you if they try to make you feel guilty, anxious, jealous, afraid or depressed. Take a pause before reacting strongly Every time you think you are becoming too emotional, take a step back and analyze the situation. However, no matter how strong they are, they can still be controlled. So if you’d like to be in a healthy relationship while still maintaining your sanity, self-respect, and power, keep on reading while I give you some tips on how to control your emotions in a relationship. But letting a guy get the best of you and your emotions isn’t healthy, especially if you’re looking to build a lasting, loving relationship. Emotions are the most powerful and painful forces in human's life. Mutual respect and understanding, affection, and genuine care are a big part of it. "I don't write stories. Most importantly, always think of the long run whenever you become emotional. You might let temporary emotions make a permanent decision in your relationship. Using a word or phrase can help keep you on track and not let your emotions get the best of you. We don’t always make a pragmatic decision by being overwhelmed with emotions and can later regret it. While emotions can have a helpful role in your daily life, they can take a toll on your emotional health and interpersonal relationships when they start to feel out of control. Here are some effective tips to control anger in an easy way. It's all about observing and documenting at this stage. sad on September 03, 2020: I want to hide my emotions because i dont want to get pitied all the time. It will also help the two of you communicate easily in a more direct way. I write characters.". However, if you step back and ponder the effects/consequences of reacting to those emotions, it could prevent you from acting on them. Whilst love makes us act selflessly and make sacrifices as well. Speak up and be clear about what you need out of your partner. At the same time, you can’t be a victim of your own thoughts as well. You would be able to reason your partner on facts and can easily reach a conclusion without getting distracted by your emotions. It should be the other way around. This will avoid an unwanted emotional outburst out of the blue. What needs to be done rather is to rationalize your emotions. If you want to have a stress-free and fruitful relationship, then you need to process your emotions and keep a check on them. Yep, everyone struggles with their emotions at times. Whatever the case may be, you need to get to the bottom of it if you’re going to take control of your emotions. It is an exercise in futility since you are trying to control things you cannot control. Excessive worrying, anxiety and stress can effectively impact both your physical and mental health, but not if you're able to control your emotions. Spend some time apart from your loved one when things get heated, and let them know you just need that time to yourself to calm down and refocus. Whether it is talking to a friend, or practicing martial arts, find an outlet which will not have an adverse effect on your relationship when you express your emotions. Have you ever just completely lost control of your emotion in a relationship? However, it’s important that you get these emotions under control for a happier relationship. Just say something like, “Pls excuse me, I’m too upset, I’d like to calm down before we continue this discussion”. If you can’t do anything to resolve it, then let it go and focus on other important things in your life. When we’re caught up in our feelings about things, we tend to get carried away and allow those emotions to push us to act irrationally. Do you control your emotions in relationships or do you unknowingly rely on others to manage your emotions for you? It can narrow your vision to a great extent. The only thing that has changed is the situation and its effects on your emotions. If we’re constantly triggering our happiest emotions, then our lives will be full of love. Thinking about the aftermath of your actions ahead of time will help you make better decisions on handling the situation. Emotions are fickle little things. If you want to control emotions in a love relationship then you have to decide based on the past reactions. If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of anger in your romantic relationship, remind yourself that you are 50% of the equation. Tina is sensitive. It isn’t easy and that’s why so many people don’t make an effort and give up. You never know, the release of your emotions can become a work of art and heal you at the same time. Focus On Things You Can Control. Just because you can’t express your emotions in words, it doesn’t mean you have to suppress them. Be honest and don’t try to manipulate things. Seek medical help if you find it hard regulating your emotions, A hopeless romantic that struggled for many years to find her Mr "Right" and made all the mistakes you could think of while dating. Yes, humans are imperfect and our emotions make us who we are. Whenever you become emotional the next time, try to identify what could have triggered it and gradually work on it as well. It is an exercise in futility since you are trying to control things you cannot control. It is important to know their intention before reacting. It's almost impossible to forget whatever made you bitter or annoyed, but you can choose to forgive the person you love and the situation surrounding it. It is always recommended to keep our emotions in check. Never Slam the Door: how to control emotions in a relationship August 27, 2020 Relationship emotions. Don’t cut ties with someone in the heat of the moment. When this awareness sinks in, you’ll be able to gather up the strength to check your emotions and your corresponding actions. You can also breathe slowly, meditate, or start counting during a stressful situation to calm yourself. In any relationship, we can never control the other person, ... We say things out of emotion that we don’t even mean, and we act in ways that counter our own goals. Yes, we all let go of them every once in a while, but if you are cautious then you can easily avoid an emotional outburst. Combined with emotional abuse, it is often a very efficient tool to get what you want – at all costs. Needless to say, you should not let your emotions make vital decisions related to your relationship. There’s a chance that your spouse’s defensiveness is a reaction to your aggressive body language. If it is for your own good, then you can’t be defensive. If you’re calmer and more mature, then your relationship will be calmer and more mature. Being deep in your feelings could blind you from noticing the way you’re conveying them to your partner. Sometimes, we give off the energy we don’t mean to. To build courage and control saying or expressing emotions, recollect the past. Thoughts + Feelings = Quality of Relationships. Past trauma makes us feel the need to control everything so life doesn’t fall apart again. How to control your emotions in a relationship portions out below. In time, these sorts of emotions can grow like weeds, slowly conditioning the mind to function on detrimental feelings and dominating daily life. Controlling your emotions better put you in a more empowering state to make better decisions. Try to mentally stay on these thoughts, voice them out audibly if possible just help you stay focused. Sometimes, the emotional difficulties you’re facing may be hormonal and in that case, you may be required to see a doctor. It is quite possible that after a few hours, you will be feeling completely different. Learn how to forgive If you notice that your mood swings are extreme and sometimes they don’t even need a trigger then book an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can. Though, if you take some thoughtful steps, then you can control your emotions for sure. Not being able to manage your emotions may be a sign that the relationship is becoming toxic for you. Her ex boyfriend Jack will tell you Tina is sensitive. How to control your emotions in a relationship? Forgiveness isn’t just directed outwardly, some people are stuck in one phase of their lives because they haven’t forgiven themselves for a mistake they made. Your ability to control your emotions is crucial to the health and duration of your relationships. By keeping a journal, you can process your emotions and reflect on the situation. Dwelling on the what if’s will do the complete opposite of making you feel in control. Negative emotions, like rage, envy or bitterness, tend to spiral out of control, especially immediately after they've been triggered. If you to spend a good life, you need to control your emotions sometimes, here controlling your emotions does not mean that you ignore the other person with whom you are living with the relationship. How was the reaction when you last expressed your emotions or feelings? You only think you feel them; if you change your mind, you won't. Expressing Emotions. Put the past behind you and learn to live in the present instead. Finally, try to develop a more positive outlook so you feel more confident in yourself and your relationship. This will avoid a strong emotionally driven step and you would be able to pacify yourself as well. I hope the ideas above have given you some food for thought in a good starting point to start taking control of your emotions and therefore relationships (and life as a whole). how to control your thoughts and how to control your emotions in a relationship. Say to yourself, “relax,” or “I am calm,” or “chill.” Especially if you feel your anger rising, use a word to keep it at bay. Last week I wrote a post about some things we can do to untangle differences in our family. Walk away from an argument if it gets too heated, 12. 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