putty log string
‘Group 1’: Diffie-Hellman key exchange with a well-known 1024-bit group. Each range can be an IP address or a DNS name, with a * character allowing wildcards. PuTTY's protocol 1 implementation is provided mainly for compatibility, and is no longer being enhanced. When connecting to a Unix system, most interactive shell sessions are run in a pseudo-terminal, which allows the Unix system to pretend it's talking to a real physical terminal device but allows the SSH server to catch all the data coming from that fake device and send it back to the client. Currently this feature is not expected to work properly if your native keyboard layout is not US or UK. Since most servers announce their software version number at the beginning of the SSH connection, PuTTY will attempt to detect which bugs it can expect to see in the server and automatically enable workarounds. The Data panel allows you to configure various pieces of data which can be sent to the server to affect your connection at the far end. Couldn't Pageant use VirtualLock() to stop private keys being written to disk? This is unavoidable. A typical symptom of this problem is that PuTTY dies unexpectedly at the beginning of the session, saying ‘Incorrect MAC received on packet’. There are some Unicode characters whose width is not well-defined. Typical values are 1, 1.5 or 2. ‘Close Window On Exit’ has three settings. However, this can incur a performance penalty. The settings are: The ‘Flow control’ box allows you to choose what type of flow control checking is used on the serial line. If you delete a forwarding, any existing connections established using that forwarding remain open. If this bug is detected, PuTTY will compute its encryption keys in the same way as the buggy server, so that communication will still be possible. When I run full-colour applications, I see areas of black space where colour ought to be, or vice versa. If you just enter a host name for this option, PuTTY will cache the SSH host key under the default SSH port for that host, irrespective of the port you really connected to (since the typical scenario is like the above example: you connect to a silly real port number and your connection ends up forwarded to the normal port-22 SSH server of some other machine). Discussion on the ietf-ssh mailing list in April 2014 formed a clear consensus that the right answer is no. The X Window System uses a three-button mouse, and the convention is that the left button selects, the right button extends an existing selection, and the middle button pastes. Will there be a port to Windows CE or PocketPC? PuTTY fails to start up. If you have a .rhosts entry pointing at a Windows PC, you should assume that anyone using that PC can spoof your username in an Rlogin connection and access your account on the server. GSSAPI credential delegation is a mechanism for passing on your Kerberos (or other) identity to the session on the SSH server. In its default mode, PuTTY will automatically attempt to deduce whether or not local line editing is appropriate for the session you are working in. Leaving the box entirely blank indicates that no character should be assigned to the specified function, although this may not be supported by all servers. View PuTTY Event log. However, because of the ambiguity in the specification, some SSH servers have implemented the other policy; for example, OpenSSH used to until it was fixed. When I cat a binary file, my window title changes to a nonsense string. If you are using X11 forwarding, the local X server to which your forwarded connections are eventually directed may itself require authorisation. If you use the & character in the file name box, PuTTY will insert details of the current session in the name of the file it actually opens. By default, PuTTY sends the Telnet New Line code when you press Return, instead of sending Control-M as it does in most other protocols. Add keyboard accelerators on the System menu. This allows an attacker to fake keypresses and potentially cause your server-side applications to do things you didn't want. If you change the setting to ‘The font’ box, bold and non-bold text will be displayed in the same colour, and instead the font will change to indicate the difference. The effect of the mode list is as follows: PuTTY proper will send modes that it has an opinion on (currently only the code for the Backspace key, ERASE, and whether the character set is UTF-8, IUTF8). In that situation, you will probably want to use the -hostkey command-line option to configure the expected host key(s); see section The Session configuration panel contains the basic options you need to specify in order to open a session at all, and also allows you to save your settings to be reloaded later. If this box is checked, several key sequences will have their normal actions modified: You probably shouldn't enable this unless you know what you're doing. Each option on this panel applies to more than one protocol. Can I have permission to put PuTTY on a cover disk / distribute it with other software / etc? If this option is enabled, then pressing ALT-Space will bring up the PuTTY window's menu, like clicking on the top left corner. A block cursor becomes an empty box when the window loses focus; an underline or a vertical line becomes dotted. If a value is specified, it will be sent to the server under all circumstances. Normally, you have to hold down Alt while dragging the mouse to select a rectangular block. For instance, Dragon NaturallySpeaking requires it both to open the system menu via voice, and to close, minimise, maximise and restore the window. In that situation, you might need to configure PuTTY to accept any of a list of host keys for the possible servers, while still rejecting any key not in that list. The controls in this box allow you to configure PuTTY to reuse an existing SSH connection, where possible. If you are using the Local proxy type, the local command to run is specified here. Some options can also be changed in the middle of a session, by selecting ‘Change Settings’ from the window menu. Then come back to the Session panel. If you have a three-button mouse and you are already used to the xterm arrangement, you can select it using the ‘Action of mouse buttons’ control. You can disable this behaviour by turning off ‘Reset scrollback on display activity’. If this bug is enabled when talking to a correct server, SSH-2 public-key authentication will fail. However, be warned that it's never worked very well. Connections to the local host (the host name localhost, and any loopback IP address) are never proxied, even if the proxy exclude list does not explicitly contain them. To modify one of the PuTTY colours, use the list box to select which colour you want to modify. The Logging configuration panel allows you to save log files of your PuTTY sessions, for debugging, analysis or future reference. However, if you modify this option in mid-session using ‘Change Settings’, it will take effect immediately. This configuration option controls the default state, which will be restored when you reset the terminal (see section Here is what you need in PUTTY.BAT: This batch file needs two auxiliary files: PUTTYRND.REG which sets up an initial safe location for the PUTTY.RND random seed file, and PUTTYDEL.REG which destroys everything in the Registry once it's been successfully saved back to the file. Launch PuTTY and log into the remote server with your existing user credentials. Is PuTTY a port of OpenSSH, or based on OpenSSH or OpenSSL? If this is disabled, GSSAPI will not be attempted at all and the rest of this panel is unused. Each saved session is independent of the Default Settings configuration. If you find your firewall is cutting idle connections off, you can try entering a non-zero value in this field. If you find an application on which the Home and End keys aren't working, you could try switching this option to see if it helps. RFC 4254 leaves it unclear whether the closing side should reply to the channel request after having announced its intention to close the channel. If connection startup is too slow, or the connection hangs periodically, you may want to try changing these settings. If this bug is enabled when talking to a correct server, it is likely that no damage will be done, since correct servers usually still accept padded signatures because they're used to talking to OpenSSH. By default, pressing ALT-F4 causes the window to close (or a warning box to appear; see section 4.9.2). This is the default option; in this mode PuTTY will not create a log file at all. By ticking this box, you can disable Arabic text shaping so that PuTTY displays precisely the characters it is told to display. Is there an option to turn off the annoying host key prompts? Using the strings Command. If you are not running Pageant, this option will do nothing. sixteen 2-digit hex numbers separated by colons. (This applies even if you're using a protocol other than SSH.). This option is enabled by default. On modern Linux machines, you could try ‘xterm-256color’. ‘Change font size when maximised’: when the window is resized, the number of rows and columns will change. If PuTTY is running slowly with logging enabled, you could try unchecking this option. How can I use PuTTY to make an SSH connection from within another program? Then make the changes you want. To remove one from the list, select it in the list box and press ‘Remove’. With auto wrap mode on, if a long line of text reaches the right-hand edge, it will wrap over on to the next line so you can still see all the text. PuTTY will not automatically fall back to the other version of the protocol if the server turns out not to match your selection here; instead, it will put up an error message and abort the connection. 4) Leave Putty.log as the log file name. If it is disabled, then pressing and releasing ALT will have no effect.
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