the savage inequalities of public education
Research shows that teachers’ preparation makes a tremendous difference to children’s learning. It is a journal of observations from the author's visits to a half dozen urban school systems, and his interpretation of what he saw. The parents of urban children want the same opportunities, resources, and quality just like middle/upper-class parents. it would be my chance to extend a helping, caring, and creative hand. In his both poignant and striking account Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol highlights the grave inequalities in the institution that Peter Blau and Otis Duncan call the "mediator" between social origin and social destination. This book is a sociological look of the differences in living and education. Inadequate supplies is one thing, but poor sewage conditions is unheard of. The style allows the reader to be pulled into each story, without any overly romantic language. All our children ought to be allowed a stake in the enormous richness of America" (Kozol 233). I certainly was. The analysis is incomplete; 2) he does not consider school choice and privatization in any depth. In recent years, the most visible evidence of this in the public policy arena has been the persistent attack on affirmative action in higher education and employment. Black children have an inferiority complex instilled, white children have a superiority complex instilled, and racism is perpetuated. It is a tragedy that these good things are not more widely shared. I definitely understand where Kozol is coming from and I cannot believe people go to school in these conditions. But the kids here suffer from lead poisoning, high asthma rates and other diseases that can be traced to the toxic elements that surround them. In my eyes this was the worst thing a child should have to deal with. While this is true, it does not logically follow that discrepancies in funding between affluent and poor school districts causes the latter to achieve inadequate education. The implicit correlation between crime and poverty, and educational under-performance and truancy, makes logical sense. Kozol's purpose in writting this book was so that he can express, emphasize, and show his readers the major problems that has not been resolve in the school system. There are many schools out there that can't afford a decent set of books, or do not have enough room for there student. An in-your-face exposure of the American Education System, this book reveals the denial and bigotry of the upper echelon of society. Kozol documents in case after case that the funding gap between schools in affluent (mostly white) areas and ones in poor, mostly African-American or Hispanic areas is beyond startling, it is horrifying. Why do students have to be separated because of their income? I don't think one could actually consider the examples that Kozol provides about the deteriorating schools in well-known American cities such as East St. Louis, Chicago, South Bronx, East Orange, South-East District of Columbia and San Antonio as a place in which one could actually obtain anything closely related to the term "education". Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities is heavy on details of the tragic conditions existing in our cities' public schools these days, but it is light in terms of tangible solutions to the crisis. Kozol effectively creates a straw man in juxtaposing the wealthy communities with the poor ones, and uses emotional pleas to argue the "obvious" fact that money is what really matters, because money is what really separates the two communities. It is the inherent and pervasive, consistent and detrimental impact of inequality within the schools that troubles Kozol as he looks at the system holistically and locally in the tragic and dilapidated districts found in East St. Louis, Chicago, New York, Camden, Washington, DC., and San Antonio. These children, though, learned less during first grade than their white counterparts because their teacher was unable to provide the challenging instruction they deserved. However, urban kids, growing up in poverty and also attending dilapidated schools across America, face many obstacles when trying to reach their dreams, hopes, and desires.
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