She has done it since about four months … Prevalence of complex motor stereotypies (e.g., hand flapping, arm waving) may be as high as 3 to 4% of U.S. preschool children. Written May 2016 by Gregory Gordon MD, Orlando Pediatrician : … Can hand flapping be normal in babies? Hand flapping and a few other signs that really showed in the 12-18 month range but at 2 I knew something was off for sure and he got diagnosed. Lots of babies hand flap. Give us a call at (877) 486-4140! Hand flapping is not an uncommon behavior in children when upset. The social impact of stimming can be reduced by replacing hand flapping with lightly tapping the hand on the leg, for example. Hand flapping alone, is often normal. Is my son's hopping and arm flapping normal? My understanding is that whilst the hand flapping is a classic symptom of autism, otherwise perfectly healthy kids can also exhibit hand flapping, and indeed carry this urge through their whole life. Should I be concerned or is it still too early to tell? NSPT offers services in the Chicagoland Area! She has been sitting unassisted since 5 months, crawling since 6, and pulling-up and cruising since 7 months. The only time a stim should be “intervened” as you described it is if it’s actually harmful to the child (i.e. She is very sociable, too sociable, and will talk to everyone. While exact numbers are unknown, it has been suggested that common motor stereotypies (e.g., thumb sucking, body rocking, nail biting) may occur in as many as two-thirds of infants and half of children under age 15. A 33-year-old member asked: hand flapping in adults? Does your child repeatedly stiffen his/her arms or … My baby is 6 months old and I noticed when we are feeding him rice cereal he flaps his hands and has mouth open. Source(s): Me, big sister to two and Mom of two, and worked with non-family children since I was about 9 It’s the whole picture that matters! im kind of embarassed talking about this…. Other examples can be blinking, staring at lights, hand flapping, wriggling fingers in front of their face, tapping surfaces, tensing face and arm muscles, rubbing things, spinning, and licking or smelling people and things. My 8 month old waves objects a lot- that is normal. He does answer to his name but not always. All children could exhibit a hand flapping behavior when they are in a heightened emotional state including when anxious, excited, and/or upset. Stimming is almost always a symptom of autism, and it's usually the most obvious. Hand flapping is seen as a way to escape the over stimulating sensory input present in the environment. It is a type of repetitive behavior that can occur for short or long durations. The key is to have them assessed at that critical 24-36 month period for the classic tell tale signs of autism with respect to social interaction etc. (v) Arm-and-hand flapping: Arm-and-hand flapping often can be seen in autistic children. How does everyone keep their worry in check. I appreciate your point of view. I personally wouldn’t worry at this point. Thank you! Hand flapping is usually seen when the child is in a heightened emotional state, such as excited or anxious, and sometimes even upset. I mean really, how would you feel if you were feeling anxious (best way I can describe it to people who are neurotypical and also don’t get sensory overload. Tips to Keep Your Child Cautious Yet Calm During the COVID-19 Pandemic, How to Help Your Child Adjust to Summer During COVID 19. Hand flapping. In an otherwise healthy infant with normal development and muscle tone, hand flapping is likely a transient expression of excitement. When he was almost 2, I noticed he would "flap" his arms and hands whenever he got really excited about something. Below are a few strategies which can be used to decrease hand flapping across environments, at home, school, and in the therapy setting: Squeezing a ball or small fidget toy; Squeezing “theraputty”, playdough or clay ; Pressing hands together firmly … Isolated hand flapping can be totally normal. Para-sympathetic to sympathetic state and Sympathetic to para … My 5 year old flaps her hands a lot when excited she also does a face to go with it where her mouth is open, she even does it at school and I’m worried it will effect her. I took this video because I thought he was so cute singing and spinning but yup, missed this very apparent sign as well. Hand flapping alone is definitely not justification for an autism diagnosis, but you will want to investigate it further. Given time his hand flapping will go away. Should I be worried. My daughter is 3 and shes been doing this for well over a year now..wen upset and angry..also she jumps in her crib alot and shes not good with being around other people especially adults. Report as Inappropriate. A lot of people worry about their babies not pointing as it can also be an indicator of autism but again not always. banging their head against a desk, hitting themselves). Others open and close their hands quickly, many times in a row; this is another form of hand flapping. Arm flapping or hand flapping are classic autistic behaviors, but that doesn't mean your child has autism if she does this occasionally. Everyone jumps on it because it is a feature of ASD. Hand waving can be associated with irritation too. Just his left hand and by flapping I mean he keeps opening and closing it. This is not always possible, however, and it is better to seek a long term solution. It can be normal but sometimes can be a red flag if multiple things are happening. In the short term, autism hand flapping can be treated by removing the person from the source of distress. If you do notice this, try to determine if it is a reaction to excitement, or if your child uses it at other times as well. If you suspect your child has autistic behaviors, arrange to have her evaluated by a specialist in autism and watch for other typical signs of the disorder. But other strange body movements and postures can also suggest trouble ahead. Bianca is often flapping her hands and turning around on the spot. The social impact of stimming can be reduced by replacing hand flapping with lightly tapping the hand on the leg, for example. She also likes routine and gets a bit upset if we deviate from the norm. It is important for the parent or caregiver to discourage hand flapping and the offer of a treat or a favorite toy can work to motivate change. Other red flags in infancy would be not making eye contact or following noises, not following gazes, no response to name, disinterest in facial expressions etc. Some babies will also discover other parts of their body, such as those tiny toes, that will eventually find their way into baby's mouth. Arm flapping is a well-documented red flag for autism. Yes, I think the combination of these behaviors is what is concerning here. In a person with autism, stimming   usually refers to specific behaviors that include hand-flapping, rocking, spinning, or repetition of words and phrases. arm-flapping is not a symptom of autism. Why does this happen? It does not necessarily serve to calm them or to regulate their behavior, and they can be easily distracted away from it. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Hand flapping and other movement type of behaviors that are sensory based can self-stimulating due to an under aroused central nervous system. s. sistersally. Will My Child Be Ready for School In the Fall. I think they just are still figuring out their extremities. While there is no harm in this motion, if it causes you distress or embarrassment, treatment is available. My son will be 6 soon. Today however, my friend saw him doing it and said she doesn't think that it's normal. If you do notice this, try to determine if it is a reaction to excitement, or if your child uses it at other times as well. So I’m inclined to believe that she simply likes routine. my 5-year-old flaps her hands a lot when excited, even just a bit, and has a an expression of excitement with mouth open to go with it. So can it be normal for a baby to hand flap a lot? Hand flapping is common in developmentally normal children in the few several years of life - especially when excited. I did not get the feeling from this article that anyone implied that an autistic child should not be allowed to self stim, instead I got the feeling that a child who is not autistic and is doing this behavior could be taught other strategies with behavior management to help them control the behavior. Hand flapping is not harmful whatsoever and if you’re wanting to get rid of it because it’s “annoying” or “worrisome” then you’re being incredibly ableist and you need to educate yourself and quit being abusive. I think trusting your instincts is very important and if you think there is something wrong then it’s worth a further look. Other times, autism could be at play. Babies with autism can be identified by listening to the noises they make, scientists have discovered. Others open and close their hands quickly, many times in a row; this is another form of hand flapping. Hand flapping usually occurs in preschoolers or toddlers and looks like the child is rapidly waving his or her hands at the wrist while holding the arms bent at the elbow. This type of hand flapping is not uncommon and is one of the primary motor sterotypies. I’d like to add, the routine things is actually quite flexible, for example if the situation is different she understands that the routine will be different. Woe to the parent who offers baby the rattle when he is expecting a breast. Reviewed by Dr. Sara Connolly, April 2019. Hand flapping is a form of vestibular stimming. Most of the time, hand flapping is nothing to worry about. But you pointed out there are several other worrisome aspects to your child’s behavior. He usually does this everyday and when he gets excited. Gauging the intention behind the wave can give your toddler more confidence. 0. Lastly, hand flapping. If you are wondering why this can happen, read our section on hand flapping. It’s only when it becomes distressing to her (if ever) that you would need to seek out therapy. Simple behavioral therapy can help a child learn to control impulsive hand flapping. “I really like your website and the ability to get a quick response from a real MD!” Connect directly with doctors and experts on your pregnancy or baby. Tell us who you are! Signs of autism 'can be detected in six-month-old babies' by measuring brain activity. It can be in the form of spinning, repeating phrases, rocking, hand flapping, and other behaviors that the child finds stimulating. In the short term, autism hand flapping can be treated by removing the person from the source of distress. God bless,Linda. She doesn't just do it when excited. When she does get upset it isn’t to difficult to make her understand things. Hand flapping in developmentally typical children can lessen or dissolve over time, but often it does not. According to a 2008 study in the journal Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , this type of behavior is significantly more common in preschool children on the autism spectrum than in those with other disorders. Bundoo® is a registered trademark of Interactivation Health Networks, LLC. Rachel says: December 31, 2018 at 10:31 am Hi I have a 2 year old with autism and I have a 9 month old boy as well he is showing the same signs as my 2 year old when he was his age get up 12 times a … i do not have autism,but i still flap my hands when im excited…like when watching a video of a famous sportsperson…i kind of imagine myself as that person and start flapping my hands…it makes me feel good…but i guess it’s not common…what category does my hand flapping fall upon? I suffer greatly with health anxiety so reading this is a real trigger for me. If you were concerned about something like autism, those are usually specific types of movements and they look very different from the standard baby movements that appear to make no sense. Ask a question. Yes, hand flapping too can be a sign of autism. This is not always possible, however, and it is better to seek a long term solution. 0 comment. Yes, hand flapping too can be a sign of autism. Andrew didn't hand flap until he could walk. In developmentally typical children, hand flapping looks quite the same and it also occurs when the child is in a heightened emotional state, but it's for a different purpose. My daughter flaps her hands when running sometimes should I be concerned ? I have an almost 8-month old DD who seems developmentally normal, if not advanced for her age as far as I can tell. I have a 1 year old who flaps when he his exited, should I bee worried or is to soon? Whether or not a developmental problem is identified, your doctor can help you help your daughter manage the big emotions that go along with being three. Abnormal hand movements that persist for months, worse, occur during sleep or are associated with other developmental problems is always a cause for concern until proven otherwise. Hi Caitlyn. 3. For this reason, it is difficult to use as a sign diagnostic of autism. However, I am concerned because I have a Fragile X pre-mutation and I know that "hand flapping" is one of the early signs of Fragile X Syndrome (it is also a sign of autism), but I don't know if this movement is considered hand flapping … I have never ever heard of mixed raced children developing more slowly and I've worked with hundreds of children with developmental delay., I personally wouldn’t worry at this point. When asked to join in a game with other children, her hand-flapping behaviour becomes more exaggerated. He can take one or two steps on his own. Think of a baby bird trying to take off for the first time. It's the best way to enjoy everything Bundoo. Hand flapping is very common in children when excited! Other times when hand flapping can be observed in children (both verbal and non-verbal) is when they are trying to express or communicate to others around them. Q: My son is 3-years-old. Send thanks to the doctor. I didn't even think of it as hand flapping until recently, until I saw it for what it truly was.) Talk with your pediatrician about a developmental evaluation so you can meet his needs early. Fragile X syndrome is also linked to features … Because many parents know that a symptom of autism is waving and flapping the hands around, they get worried about this action. When I see me son, I know how … when you are autistic, your development isn't as fast as other children, for instance, when some kids that are his age are walking, he hasn't even started crawling yet. So, it can be a sign but certainly not on its own. Other self-stimulatory behaviors sometimes seen in children with autism include rocking and spinning. Normal children may flap their hands or arms when they get excited. If the behavior is hurting relationships with other children, it might be helpful for a child to learn other ways to manage their excitement. If the combination of these behaviors is worrying you, then yes you should be concerned. We use your name to make your comments, emails, and notifications more personal. It also can appear in normal children, usually for a few months, before it disappears. 54 years experience Rheumatology. It can be a self stimulating behavior. Sensory overload isn’t the only thing that autistic people stim for, but it’s one. If you’re not sure what sensory overload is, look it up. I have lived a normal life, other than the hand flapping, never had a problem in school, great speech, never had a problem following orders, was never a brat, I am a bilingual and I love to socialize. It can be hard to tell if your baby has autism based on this action because it is so common in all babies. Since your child requires the effect that stimming provides, give him a better way to achieve that effect. For this reason, it is difficult to use as a sign diagnostic of autism . It is nothing to be ashamed of in a child or an adult! She will be going into 1st year next year and I’m really worried as to how the other children will react to her, but how do I help her without making her feel self-aware??? Abdomen. The earlier, the better! By flapping their arms, babies are learning to interact with their world. I made a post a few weeks ago about my sons hand flapping and finger wriggling. Hand flapping is common in developmentally normal children in the few several years of life - especially when excited. Yes...I know it can be an autism sign but not really concerned as its not all the time a d not a calming thing. … Then my son and your children can live a perfect life as well. Iv … The behavior can be triggered by any of the following: Excitement; Nervousness; Fidgeting; Decreased body movements; This would only be a problem if it results in self-harm … She was flapping her hand when she got excited and the same thing came up. Of all the stimming behaviors, hand flapping is perhaps one this is most noticeable in children with ASD. Forcing your child to stop stimming INCLUDES the suggested behavioral therapy and you should NEVER force your autistic child to go to behavioral therapy to stop their stimming. © 2018 Interactivation Health Networks, LLC. Since your child requires the effect that stimming provides, give him a better way to achieve that effect. She often did it when she was hungry as this made her somewhat jittery. He kicked his feet, as babies do sometimes, but he did it almost all of the time, and especially when he was happy or excited, which seemed like all the time. Hand flapping happens in both developmentally typical and developmentally atypical children. That would only make everything worse, wouldn’t it? Hand flapping in autism isn't usually associated with holding objects. Treatment is generally with a behavioral psychologist and involves awareness training and competing response training. These include: Staring at objects — especially anything with lights or movement; Gazing off into space Hand flapping and other movement type of behaviors that are sensory based can self-stimulating due to an under aroused central nervous system. (I mildly shake my hands in front of my face. Answered on Jul 18, 2017 Children may also do it when excited or upset, and it can be very hard to distract an autistic child away from their self-stimulatory behavior. (v) Arm-and-hand flapping: Arm-and-hand flapping often can be seen in autistic children. Environments in which there are multiple sounds, loud noises, and crowds can cause distress for some individuals with and even without autism. Now … 0 thank. However, we have had some issues with inappropriate behavior with other kids, drawn out tantrums, losing focus, getting angry to the point of hitting someone or himself, doesn’t listen when told to do something. She's 7 months now and it's gone. Abnormal hand movements that persist for months, worse, occur during sleep or are associated with other developmental problems is always a cause for concern until proven otherwise. Hand flapping would be something to worry about when and if it impacts a child’s functional daily living ability, for example if it impacts their ability to navigate their environment safely. Officially, hand flapping is a type of "stereotypy," which basically refers to any repetitive motion without an obvious reason. His waving hello and goodbye is kind of floppy at the wrist so I am wondering big really he is waving at something and looks like a hand flapping. If he is developing normally, I would not worry at all. The video below shows a child hand flapping while excited although the same kind of movements of the hands can also illustrate distress. Probably no, but without knowing all the details of your child’s development I cannot say for sure. In cases like these, families and professionals often feel that hand flapping should not be a concern, stopped, or corrected. When he was almost 2, I noticed he would "flap" his arms and hands whenever he got really excited about something. Intervention is most effective when done in the preschool years! It varies between each individual but I get sensory overload and for me it’s basically like 10 TVs are playing at once, and there are 50 bright lights all focusing on me and my eyes and I can feel every little thing and it’s painful.) This generally happens when they see something they like and want to draw your attention to it. Arm flapping is a well-documented red flag for autism. Speak with your pediatrician about your concerns so you can get his needs better evaluated. But I doubt it is in your son's case. These behaviors help them calm themselves or regulate their emotional states. If it bothers her, then I would ask your pediatrician’s opinion as they know her best! Most children who are on the spectrum won’t be diagnosed until four years old or so. He has flapped his hands, when excited, since he was a baby. I took this video because I thought he was so cute singing and spinning but yup, missed this very apparent sign as well. Children with autism are often extremely sensitive to specific sensations and sounds that may not effect someone who is not on the spectrum. First off, not all individuals on the autism spectrum hand flap. One may also ask, at what age is hand flapping a concern?   After all, few typically developing people rock, flap, pace, or flick their fingers on a regular basis. Some kiddos engage in hand flapping when excited, not autism related at all. As said in the article, it is something autistic children and neurotypical children do – but it is not something bad that should be stopped. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, we would love to help! Even then, it's not the "classic" hand flapping. He is pulling himself up, switched from army crawling to hands and knee crawling. Many believe that children with Autism will engage in hand flapping as a self-stimulatory activity, which can be accompanied by other stimming behaviors like rocking and/or spinning. 3. My 2 year old does it too. Hi, made an account solely to comment on this and am kind of disappointed that no one has made a comment before me. It similar to the issue of pointing. Consider working with a behavior or other autism specialist. Babies may flap their arms when they are upset. Q: My son is 3-years-old. Hand flapping is a hard-to-miss gesture, while more subtle signs of autism related to speech, such as the ability to answer questions after a certain age or to respond to questions in a non-rote fashion may take more careful observation. It’s normal for babies to flap their arms. You can usually move your newborn's legs and feet into a "walking" position; and this will happen naturally as a baby begins to bear weight, walk, and grow through the first 2 to 3 years of life. In an otherwise healthy infant with normal development and muscle tone, hand flapping is likely a transient expression of ... Read More. Parents are often concerned when they see hand flapping because it can be one of the signs seen in children with autism. However, if you suspect other behaviors that indicate a developmental concern, then it is a good idea to discuss them with your pediatrician. Only when I'm extremely, extremely excited about something. In an otherwise healthy infant with normal development and muscle tone, hand flapping is likely a transient expression of excitement. It can be normal but sometimes can be a red flag if multiple things are happening. Hand flapping in developmentally typical children. His pediatrician made me fill outs form of his behavior and he failed that test badly. We take him out places and he won’t care to interact with other children but my 4 in a half year old who was diagnosed with ADHD will. It can be a sign when they are toddlers tho but normal at this age. In developmentally typical children, hand flapping looks quite the same and it also occurs when the child is in a heightened emotional state, but it's for a different purpose. Hand flapping can also be a way a baby expresses joy or excitement. I think that’s a good point. You are describing some physical difficulties which suggest muscle tone problems. Using this method, the child is rewarded for replacing the stimming behavior with another, more acceptable behavior. Female carriers of the Fragile X gene are at risk of having one or more children with Fragile X syndrome. It also can appear in normal children, usually for a few months, before it disappears. She has always been constantly on the go and I think ehen she was little she just couldn't control her blood sugar level. One symptom of autism can be flapping the arms, but it tends to look different than the arm flapping of infants under the age of 1. I wasn't worried about it at all but stupidly googled it and lots of information came up about this being a red flag for autism. If you child starts hand flapping, it’s best to check in with a pediatrician or occupational therapist. Parents may worry that their baby's arm flapping might indicate autism. Many people correlate hand flapping with only Autism, however this is not the case. My 15 month old son flaps his arms when excited,he doesn’t attempt to talk much and doesn’t always respond to his name.He also gets very frustrated by things , which he shows physical signs of ( by clenching his fists and almost growls) should i be worried about any of this? Some children with autism “hand flap” as a self-stimulatory behavior. i wouldn't worry, it's just how he expresses himself. Just brought it up previously just in case it is relevant. Tremor: This sounds like a tremor, which could be … While autistic stimming does … Hi, My 5 month old has been hand flapping for a week now. Subsequently, one may also ask, is hand flapping in toddlers normal? It could also mean that they want to get their hands on it. Will He Catch Up? The key here is that if the hand flapping does not bother her, then there is nothing that needs to be done. It's normal for a baby's abdomen (belly) to appear somewhat full and rounded. Forcing your autistic child to stop stimming is INCREDIBLY harmful and abusive to the child. Hand flapping and a few other signs that really showed in the 12-18 month range but at 2 I knew something was off for sure and he got diagnosed. Both men and women can be carriers of the Fragile X gene. While I understand these can fall into categories of normal childhood behavior, it has become a problem at home and in school. Children with autism flap their arms more often as a type of self-stimulation and in a more repetitive way than a normal child who flaps their arms occasionally out of excitement. So now I am freaking out a bit, because I googled and found out it could be a sign of autism. But other strange body movements and postures can also suggest trouble ahead. 0.
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