Cultural Divergence: Sometimes religious beliefs can clash with popular culture, forcing the faithful members of certain cultures to practice cultural divergence. It was against this backdrop that the Labour Party (the first true socialist party in the UK) was founded in Britain on 27th February 1900. For example the legal minimum paid annual leave in the UK is 5.6 weeks (28 working days); although many large employers make it up to six weeks. Although it’s of no great value, I think it’s the thought that counts. Free bus travel to all over the age of 66. Old world countries have a better foothold. Since 1945 it’s always been Labour (Socialism) or Conservatives (Capitalists) Governments in power, with the Liberals (a centralist party) holding the balance of power. £1,094 ($1418) on the NHS (National Health Service). 0. cultural divergence. Examples of strategy plans for business, marketing, education and government. This is whats known in business terms as companys Unlike America, Europe is not a very religious continent; only 6% of Europeans actually go to church, and a significant number of European Christian religious leaders don’t take the whole of the New Testament literally. My interest in social and cultural politics extends from my interest in genealogy and history and how they project into today's societies. A definition of personal information with examples. During the American Civil War (1861–1865) Richard served as a Captain in the Union Army. However, the Labour Party did not come to power until after the 2nd world war, when in 1945 they had their landslide victory. I’m not even going to debate this as it’s such an emotive and passionate topic for Americans, and because there is no common ground of understanding between Americans and Europeans. Unfortunately, some Americans I’ve spoken with who do know this firmly believe in their minds that because so many Europeans are non-religious that we are a nation of immoral heathens. I recently learnt that the American word for ‘bespoke’ is ‘custom made’. Therefore in those areas local cultures and languages have survived to this day. Albeit in restraining an intruder until the police arrive can only legally be done with reasonable force. Nevertheless, in opposition to the Conservatives (who wanted to ‘Conserve’ the status quo) from the 1850s the Liberals built on the foundations of the old poor laws to ‘liberalise’. Europe has a different attitude towards work, which Americans often sneer at in forums, but from a European perspective ‘life’ is more important than ‘work’. A nation divided that eventually led to Hitler seizing power and a few years later leading the world into a 2nd world war. The BBC's compiled list of how taxes from an average lower middle class worker in Britain is spent by the Government: I don’t know how this compares to America, but I for one much rather pay just the $1,418 per year on my income taxes for the NHS than worry about how I would pay for medical insurance or pay my medical bills. This historic event is celebrated every 4 July, the day in 1776 when America declared independence, which it eventually won in 1783 and ratified on 12 May 1784. Another benefit people on welfare get, and those on some other types of social benefits such as the Personal Independence Allowance (disability benefit) and the carer’s allowance, is the Christmas Bonus. Muslims, Asians, a Hindu family and our Chinese neighbours all celebrate Christmas in the British way. The purpose of this article isn’t to antagonise by appearing to be unduly critical of America, while promoting European values, but rather to highlight some of the cultural, social and political differences (from a European perspective). With the constantly bombing by Hitler’s (blitz), over two million British homes were destroyed. Thus, for instance, while we might have gone on celebrating Christmas with a mix of New England austerity and Southern exuberance as practiced in pre-Hanoverian England, we instead glommed onto the German Tannenbaum and the Dutch Sinter Klaas (I apologize if the spelling is not exact). State Pension for all who have worked most of their life. 30.8 million Passenger train journeys are made in the USA each year, travelling 6.4 billion passenger miles. Attitudes in southern Europe towards cats is different in that they are not so much seen as pets but more as working animals e.g. The Convergence and Divergence of Cultures Convergence occurs when two or more cultures come together within a region Examples: – Ideas, inventions or elements of culture being shared from one region to another Technology create cultural convergence – Computers/internet – Cell phones – Television – Satellites – Radio The minimum age you can buy alcohol is 18, but. Cultural Interaction. In stark contrast to America, although there are variations across Europe, generally European education from nursery school to university is either free or inexpensive. Spain became a democracy in 1975, after the death of Francisco Franco (military dictator), and Portugal’s bumpy road to democracy finally came to fruition after 1976. the Scandinavian countries, Britain’s is comprehensive. As in America, perceptions in Europe often doesn’t meet with reality. Visit our, Copyright 2002-2021 Simplicable. For me, paying for the NHS (and other social benefits) through my income taxes isn’t so much a tax but more of an insurance for when I need these benefits; as it guarantees free healthcare for all at the point of use regardless to income or wealth, and therefore is going to be a great reassurance to me as I get older. " The cultural festival is an annual event. " All Rights Reserved. Table 1 presents the remaining regressions of income divergence on relative cultural distance to the US with various controls of geographic isolation and physical barriers. Also, apart from the student loan interest being set at a low rate of just 4.6%, if after leaving university the person never earns enough to have to pay their student loan back then it’s automatically written off after 30 years. Originally I thought of America and Europe as being socially and culturally similar; especially as we all live in free democracies in the modern industrialised and civilised world. The type of social benefits everyone in Britain has an automatic right to, regardless to their income or wealth, includes:-. ... For example, in a merger where the acquiring company is interested only in the physical and financial assets of a target company and expects to lay off most managers and employees, major efforts to manage culture are unnecessary. I don’t know how much more taxes Europeans pay compared to Americans. the Morris Dancers in England (most predominantly in Cornwall). So for example a post graduate earning $31,350 per year would only pay their student loan back at a modest fee of just $445 per year and is unlikely to ever pay the full amount back. If I don’t get the feedback then I’m not going to learn, and better understand the American way of thinking. … However, the more I learn about society and the American culture, the more I learn how different we are. There is some common ground here but Europe has a different perspective, and opposing attitudes to America. the homeowner could be prosecuted for GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm). Unlike Britain, finding reliable information and data on the American tax and benefit system is a lot more difficult, and. Of Queen Victoria's 42 grandchildren three were key players in the 1st world war:-. We are not created equal. Pizza Effect. Waiting to be recognized Another one of the most common examples of cultural differences in the workplace is how well (and how much) someone promotes their contributions. Youth from a variety of cultures interact with social media and information sites on the Internet. I’m in Florida and I don’t pay an income tax just a higher sales tax on goods I purchase which goes to the states revenue. improving working conditions, public health and giving women the vote, generally their reforms were still just modest. Conversely, the wealthy pay a greater portion of their income than the upper working class and middle classes do for other public expenditure e.g. – Giant empire that used to cover most of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Germany and Britain; GNP (Gross National Product). It explores the flow of content distributed across various intersections of media, industries and audiences, presenting a back … Having been to Europe several times in my youth, I was hit by culture shock as often as reassuring similarities. For example, a positive divergence would occur if a stock is nearing a low but its indicators start to rally. Therefore I only wish to make a few comments (from a European perspective) to clarify points that frequently crop up in forums. We brits talk about the weather all the time because it’s so changeable and unpredictable e.g. Free Education to all under the age of 19. For simplicity, of all the political parties in the UK, with seats in the House of Commons, on the chart above I’ve only shown the seven main ones for Britain. A good example of this is the Amish culture in the United States. Although the House of Commons started out as a one party system, in 1688 due to a major dispute amongst its members they split into two opposing sides; forming two political parties, the Tories and the Whigs. In the UK, the main Direct Tax for most people at National Level is the Tax on Wages. Then three years later they established the NHS (National Health Service) and the Welfare State, which continues to this day. What is Cultural Divergence? 1. The direct result of this war was the overthrow of the Russian Tsar during the 1917 Russian Revolution and Communism. In Britain there are numerous political parties covering the full political spectrum from the Green Party on the left to UKIP on the right. It’s a subject which I don’t wish to debate at any great length because I can imagine it would be too emotive on both sides, with little chance of seeing each other’s perspective. NHS in account, it is difficult to say if there is any significant difference in real terms between our two Nations. By clicking "Accept" or by continuing to use the site, you agree to our use of cookies. Q. cultural divergence is when 2 culture differ and split. Edit. Another sensitive topic where, as far as I know, there is little common ground of understanding between Europe and America. Arthur Russ (author) from England on May 14, 2017: Thanks Larry, it’s only a potted history for simplicity; but I hope it’s of some value to readers. In Britain, everyone on State Pension are entitled to ‘Winter Fuel Payments’, which are quite generous and helps to pay for the cost of winter heating to reduce the risk of the elderly dying from the cold because they can’t afford to keep warm. All our friends of other ethnic groups e.g. The process by which cultures influence each other to change. So when we had an exchange student from southern France staying with us for a couple of weeks she was quite surprised that we actually buy cat food, rather than just let the cats do their job and feed naturally from the land. Using a gun in self-defence in Britain (and Europe) even against an intruder in the home is a criminal offence e.g. The biggest cultural difference with pets is the American craze of dressing up their pet cats and dogs in clothes; something which is generally frowned upon in Britain. You can drink wine, beer or cider in public from the age of 16 provided it’s purchased by an adult and consumed at a table with a meal. Thus the U.S. is a country that chose to turn most colonies (i.e. Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish and English, let alone all the dialects and accents across the country, there is a distinct difference between British English and American English. They have been fighting to find, rebuild & maintain what the Whites decimated.
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