Here, God is viewed without any attributes at all. Caste-Status:Kshatriya or others as per the law of Hindu Shastras and 4. 29 Replies to “Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu are very similar to Maharashtra … Munshi Kali Prasad died in 1886, satisfied after having  freed  his community from the  ‘shudra’ label , and leaving further social reforms and other works to be continued by his dedicated associates. The social and religious patterns of Bengal had historically been distinctively different from those in the orthodox Hindu heartland of North India and this impacted on how the caste system developed there. It is upto the readers to accept or reject them. Written verdicts from more than 600 learned Pundits from all over India were also obtained and produced before the Court. As nouns the difference between rajput and arora is that rajput is a member of the kshatriya hindu caste while arora is a member of the sindhi/punjabi subcaste of kshatriya. The first session of the ALL INDIA KAYASTHA CONFERENCE was held at Lucknow in November, 1887 with Dewan Jai Prakash Lal, C.I.E., of Dumraon as President and  Rai Bahadur Babu Sri Ram as General Secretary. The Kachwaha are a caste group with origins in India. A monthly magazine “Kayastha Samachar” edited by Munshi Sahib himself was started to educate and enlighten the Kayasthas on the need for unity and social reforms. He made his own (Mathur) wife and the said (Saxena) bride to eat from the same Thali, thus establishing equality between the sub-castes, and integration of the bride not only in the groom’s household, MAB Zonal Comm. Like many others of different varnas, he too must have had his share of struggle, taking to other jobs like trading or agriculture for sustenance, though still holding on to his Shudra varna. Kayasthas of the mixed blood. Caste and Varna are two separate concepts. Topics similar to or like Kayastha. In course of time the queen delivered a son and his descendents were called Kayastha. Kayasthas of the mixed blood. The Kshatriya constitutes the ruling and military elite, the warriors. Kayastha means "scribe" in Sanskrit, reflecting the caste's traditional role as record-keepers and administrators of the state. Then the second question comes, “Kshatriyas  are the warriors, the sword-wielding class of Kings and rajas, which you are not. Notably, there are four specified Varnas in Hindu Mythology- Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishaya and Shudra but apart from them, one more caste exists, which is Kayasth. So, what you are ?” And there the question-answer ends usually, but always inconclusively. Oh Please! A Kayastha is often asked an age-old question, “ Are you a Brahmin, a Kshatriya, a Vaish or a Shudra, amongst the four specified Varnas of the Hindu mythology. Historical versions state their own explanation of  the  origin of the word “Kayastha” which is comprehensible to those not believing in Mythology. As a proper noun arora is the community of the sindhi/punjabi subcaste of kshatriya. He summarily rules out being a Brahmin or a Vaish. The relevant entry, in Persian, used to be “KATIB – AST”, i.e., (He) is a writer. BB14 : Rubina Dilaik’s closet is classy & affordable, ladies you need to take notes! The first requirement for all this was unification of  the twelve sub-castes into a strong, consolidated Kayasth Biradri, with all the sub-castes placed equal and bonded in one brotherhood.. One of the resolutions adopted ( perhaps around 1910) for unifying the Kayasthas  was that  inter-marriages amongst the sub-castes, so far not  socially accepted, should be allowed and the offsprings out of such marriages to inherit fully the caste-label of the father, with full dignity. When you are in quest of free matrimonial sites, Match finder matrimony can help to find your soulmate.Many boys and girls have found suitable...Read More profiles for marriage on our site. 96K Kokanastha and Kayastha Brahmins are found in the North East India region especially West Bengal. Topic. 4.Kayastha have traditionally acted as keepers of Public records and accounts. This could be due to three possible reasons, as is heard. We have different parents. In the year 1886 the Indian National Congress was formed at Bombay by Dadabhoi Naoroji and others to unite all Indians by creating a platform for social reforms and to prepare the nation for seeking independence from the British. Emboldened  with Dadabhoi’s talks,  B. Hargobind Dayal returned to Lucknow and he and his colleagues set themselves to work of consolidating the Kayasthas at All India level. So, the only Varan  in which  he  imagines  himself loosely fitting is Kshatriya. A Kayastha is often asked an age-old question, “ Are you a Brahmin, a Kshatriya, a Vaish or a Shudra, amongst the four specified Varnas of the Hindu mythology. Share. For all those who don’t know about Kyastha, here is everything you need to know about our species. There are Chitraguptji temples in many cities and all Kayastha Sabhas at various places regularly perform Chitragupt  poojas and Aarties alongwith Qalam-Dawaat with due devotion. Group consisting of a cluster of several different castes (or sub-groups) of different origin in India. b)       Sage Parshurama wiped off the Kshatriyas  twentyone  times from the face of the  world. Kayastha is similar to these topics: Kachwaha, Chinese people in India, Media of India and more. "Noticing brahmanic names with a large number of modern Bengali Kayastha cognomens in several early epigraphs discovered in Bengal, some scholars have suggested that there is a considerable brahmana element in the present day Kayastha community of Bengal. COVID-19: Has India Reached the COVID-19 peak? It is said that after  passing out of the Agra School, the students  used to go back to their native places (mostly in U.P., Bihar & Bengal) for employment. For that in the whole of India, most of the ‘Kayastha’ people are found in Bengal. Many theories and backgrounds of the origin of Kayasthas have been heard for generations, but without a convincing proof or  legitimacy  which may satisfy the curious mind. Facts and myths about face masks. The historical caste occupation of Kayasthas throughout India has been that of scribes and administrators; the Kayasthas in Bengal also became "the region's surrogate Kshatriya or warrior class" and, alongside Brahmins, are regarded as the "highest Hindu castes" that comprise the "upper layer of Hindu society." "so chandrasenya kayastha prabhu are the descendant of haiyaha rajput clan and will always be a rajput … The historical caste occupation of Kayasthas throughout India has been that of scribes and administrators; the Kayasthas in Bengal also became "the region's surrogate Kshatriya or warrior class" and, alongside Brahmins, are regarded as the "highest Hindu castes" that comprise the "upper layer of Hindu society." World Tourism Day: How People Associated with Travel and Tourism Industry Sailing through the Pandemic. Do not edit the contents of this page. A Mathur Welfare Trust & Reforms -1865 A.D. As the Kayasthas of the time were in good books of the Mughal rulers, Britishers initially considered Kayasthas as Muslim allys and saw them with some suspicion and reservation, though not unfavourably.. Muslim leaders, notably Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (founder of Aligarh Muslim University) were able to salvage to some extent the situation for the Muslims but the Kayasthas,  having no god-father, were left high and dry. 1. Categories Genetics Tags Genetics. The origin of the Ghosh Community goes back to Columbus' third voyage across the Atlantic, when he circumvented the globe and landed on Kayastha Island. An instance of an arranged marriage came up at Aligarh (U.P) in 1915 when a Mathur boy was married to a Saxena girl, much to some silent gestures of disapproval from the members of the  groom’s sub-caste. In fact the upper caste Hindus at that point of time lost no opportunity to come in lime light by defaming and down grading the Kayasthas in public eye,  specially  the Britishers. I may add here two other  interesting events  to bring this article to a complete and informative end. A Kayastha leader of that time, one  Babu Sohan Lal,  (later Rai Bahadur) a member of the A.I.Kayastha Conference Working Committee and  belonging to the groom’s sub-caste stood up boldly in support of the alliance and invited the bride and the groom to his house for dinner. Difference between Rajput and Kshatriya in Hindi | … (Are you a Bengali or a Punjabi?) They are mainly concentrated in North Indian states especially around the region of … Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu (Rajanya Kshatriya Kayasthas- from the Haiyaya family) Caste-Status ... Shree Ratanmool and Shree Devdhar and they married Gandharvyakanyas. This was the women’s pledge while the unborn child was still in the mother’s KAYA (body), i.e., in the womb. He summarily rules out being a Brahmin or a Vaish. Does wearing a mask reduce oxygen supply? Both are independent of each other and  acceptable as per an individual’s perception. But if a Kayastha gets married a young age people often say, “Kayastho mai kahan jaldi shaadi hoti hai? The latter more suits the Brahmanism. Kayastha (also referred to as Kayasth or Kayeth) is a caste or community of Hindus originating in India. 7.Please for heaven’s sake understand Sonaskhi Sinha is not the only Kayastha in this country. +4. "Srivastava Kayastha matrimony" is a term synonymously used for Srivastava Kayastha matrimony websites, which provide matchmaking services online. and three,  with the change in regime from the Mughals to British they wanted to come up and get positions in the Government,  so far not available to them in the Muslim period. With active support from some other like-minded Biradri people, Kayasth Sabhas came up in U.P., Bihar and Delhi, with the Sadar Sabha at Lucknow. The UP Kayastha individual is close to the SKP, not the CKP. Kayasthas were legally and officially free, once and for all, to catagorize themselves as Kshatriyas amongst the four specified Varnas. Matchfinder is a 100% secure Srivastava Kayastha matrimonial website. Munshi Kali Prasad had died the same year,  leaving his colleagues  with a firm determination   that uniting the Kayasthas  too should be carried on an All-India basis. a boy born in a clan remain in that clan till death according to hinduism ther are four clan only ( brahmin, kshatria ,vaish ,sudra )so a boy born in a kshatria (rajput) clan his clan will never going to be changed what ever happens or what evre happend to his family he will always remain a kshatriya (rajput). » Difference between GOTRA system of Kayastha and Brahmins ... Kshatriya and Vaishya who are authorized to perform the "UPNAYANA" ceremony obligatory upon the aforesaid "DWIJA" twice born classes.The practice of not allowing marriage between families of same Gotra is therefore observed out of reverence to the Rishis who were made Preceptors "GURU" at the time for the "UPNAYANA" … "Noticing brahmanic names with a large number of modern Bengali Kayastha cognomens in several early epigraphs discovered in Bengal, some scholars have suggested that there is a considerable brahmana element in the present day Kayastha community of Bengal. To  appreciate and grasp these versions / views properly, the following  periods from recorded  Indian History may be kept in mind: a)       Hindu Kingdom (till Prithviraj Chohan)  : upto year 1192, b)       Muslim Sultanate Period: from 1192 to 1526, c)       Mughal Era – I : from 1526 to 1539 (Babur / Humayun), e)       Mughal period II:  1555 to 1857 (Humayun – Bahadur Shah Zafar). Some years ago when I related this case to a Kayastha friend, he said he wished the Kayasthas had remained classed as Shudras, as today  this would have entitled them for jobs and many other facilities under the present  policy of reservations for SC / ST candidates every where. Chandraseniya Kayastha Prabhu (Rajanya Kshatriya Kayasthas- from the Haiyaya family) Caste-Status:Kshatriya, 3. The so-called upper caste Hindus had a rather indignant and internally harbored dislike for Kayasthas. The twelve sons formed the twelve sub-castes  (Ambhist, Asthana, Balmik, Bhatnagar, Gaur, Karan, Kulshreshth, Mathur, Nigam,Saxena, Srivastava, Surajdhwaj - in alphabetical order, not as per birth-seniority ) of the Kayasthas, as they are known today. Kayastha literally means 'one who in the body' (of another). Sonu Nigam and Amitabh Bachchan are living examples. Kachwaha. No, we are Kayastha and please understand we are not Punjabi. Kayasthas by name or virtue of profession (not by blood). Mythology states the birth of Chittragupt from Brahma’s naval and the Parshuram episode regarding the word “Kayastha”. Every Srivastava or Sinha doesn’t want to become an IAS. The other one is the one who follows Brahman, the Sanskrit name given to the Almighty Ultimate God. who is kayastha "total kayastha population in india out of 1.252 billion:- population:- 7,911,000 " ab dekho baki cast & regions ke population aur decide karo k hum kya hain:- bhai in caste and region mein kayastha kahin bhi stand nahi karte inki ginti … We have other talent too. The social and religious patterns of Bengal had historically been distinctively different from those in the orthodox Hindu heartland of North India and this impacted on how the caste system developed there. In course of time the word got corrupted to “Kai-ast”, and later to “Kayasth”  So all such persons, irrespective of their origin or birth, started being called as “Kayasth”. Chitragupt Maharaj Progenitor of the Kayasthas Left: Devi Sudakhina and four Sons, Right: Devi Iravati & Eight Sons Kāyastha or Kayasth ( Hindi : कायस्थ ) is a caste /ethnic-group of India. Raja Raghu was a great warrior, he conqured in all the directions and when he returned to his capital he performed Vishwajeet Yagya and … In the biographies of his predecessors, i.e., Humayun and Babur there appears to be no specific mention of the word “ Kayasth”. We talk about everything from News, fashion, and beauty to weddings and work. His self pride does not allow him to be called a Shudra by his own choice. In the year 1873 an educational institution named Kayastha Pathshala was established by Munshi Kali Prasad at Allahabad to encourage Kayasthas towards education.  The aim of getting removed  the ‘stigma’ of  Shudra for a Kayastha, the primary issue at that time, was fully achieved.
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