Integration should not be seen in a limited dimension of territory. It is a process where the proceeds of crime are transformed into apparently legitimate money or other assets. Social networking sites also pose a major challenge in financial and organized crime which destabilizes the system. This means prioritising universal access to public services, such as health and education, and improving their quality by improving their delivery and strengthening underlying institutions. They can also incite people for regionalism thus demanding their separate state which further increases secessionist tendencies. Then there is inefficiency and apparent lack of accountability of various organs of the defence ministry responsible for indigenous design and manufacture of weapons, equipment and ammunition for the Army, namely the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) and Defence Public Sector Units (DPSUs). The government must increase allocation for defence (excluding pensions) to 2.5 percent of GDP initially, and further raise it gradually to 3 percent until modernisation of the Armed Forces is complete. The food tech company Zomato discovered that data, including names, email IDs and hashed passwords, of 17 million users was stolen by an ‘ethical’ hacker-who demanded the company must acknowledge its security vulnerabilities-and put up for sale on the Dark Web. There is a culture of elitism in our labs, where the manual work is done by lab assistants and scientists mostly just command orders. which partially dismantles India’s stability. • It was founded by Dayanand Saraswati (1824-83). There is a great need to work towards eradicating the problem of unemployment among the youths, illiteracy and poverty and that too with honesty and without any discrimination. Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL), which divides the current position of Indian and Pakistani troops in the Siachen region. pushed Bangladeshis into India, while India’s huge economy and accommodative society pulled immigrants. Misinformation and disinformation spread in the media is becoming a serious social challenge. In dealing with this decades-old problem, high-level deliberations and interactions with the State Governments concerned that an integrated approach aimed at the relatively more affected areas would deliver results. Other times, he remains an obscure person, disposable for the politico-bureaucratic nexus and far away from the national media. They do not have any belief in parliamentary democracy. principle of “one border one force” for better accountability. The criminal justice system is still in the shape which the British left it in and required changes have not been done. In India, in addition to its traditional spheres of activities which included extortion, seeking protection money, contract killing, boot-legging, gambling, prostitution and smuggling, now added is drug trafficking, illicit arms trading, money laundering, transporting illegitimate activities based essentially on its readiness to use brute force and violence. L-13 : Exogenic Forces: Denudation & Weathering. Funds used to support terrorism may originate from legitimate sources, criminal activities, or both. 2 were here. Real-time intelligence is required for preventing and containing cyber attacks. Due to most corruption in political-administrative life, there is also a possibility of developing alliances between criminal organizations and political parties across the border. Social media has also emerged as a powerful medium to spread messages relating to communal tension or riot in any part of the country. More than eighty crores Hindus cannot dream of a truly progressive India advancing on the path of peace without the cooperation of Muslims and other communities. • The Lahore Arya Samaj was founded in 1877. The objective of the CPI (Maoist) Party is the armed overthrow of the Indian State. Terrorists have shown adaptability and opportunism in meeting their funding requirements. They not only enhance the surveillance and detection capabilities of the border guarding forces but also improve the impact of the border guarding personnel against infiltration and trans-border crimes. Use of social media for false rumours to instigate youth to lead violent mobs, Stone pelting on security forces by radicalised and incited youth, Armed militants mixing with stone-pelting mobs and addressing rallies, Militants using cover of “agitating mobs” ring at security forces and lobbing grenades,  provoking security forces to retaliate, Attacks/threats on government officers, political representatives and policemen. Economic growth in the state almost consistently lagged behind the national growth figures. Recent Internal Security Crisis engendered by Social Media, Cyber Security is protecting cyber space including critical information infrastructure from attack, damage, misuse and economic espionage. This is another reason to closely monitor the Indo-Bhutan border. L-9 : Seafloor Spreading Theory. There is a widely sensed need for the rapid modernisation of the Indian armed forces, which is being reflected in some of the key initiatives that have been taken up by the Indian government so far (such as Make in India), so as to address to the complex security challenges that emanate from its hostile neighbourhood. The crime syndicates do not respect national boundaries. Cattle from as far as Haryana, UP, Bihar is taken to borders for grazing and then smuggled to Bangladesh. The CIBMS is touted as a more robust and integrated system that is capable of addressing the gaps in the present system of border security by seamlessly integrating human resources, weapons, and high-tech surveillance equipment. Articulate human rights values in a way that advances counterterrorism. Governments need to provide incentives for industry to invest in security at a level that is not justified by corporate business plans. But, it is difficult to say that the implementation has been uniform in all the sectors. Terrorist organizations in India, especially in the northeast, mobilize funds by becoming couriers of illegal drugs and arms and at times even human beings from one point to another within the country. It is also deeply involved in legitimate business and in labour unions. The multidimensional aspect of interplay between organized crime and terrorism, experts stressed the need for improved knowledge sharing and cooperation on all levels, especially internationally. Initiatives have to support Kas­hmir’s development aspirations and reduce vul­­nerability, especially tackling inequalities ind­uced by decades of mismanagement and corruption. Germany, with her copious resources and industry, had become a great power after her birth in 1871. Usually, developing economies have a low per-capita income. Also the Hong Kong model of combating communalism by setting up a “Race Relation Unit” to promote racial harmony and facilitate integration of ethnic minorities can be emulated by India. Social media is not security threat in itself but the users of these services can pose the threats by their anti-social endeavours. The chief reason behind the rise of the movement was the severe lack of development of these regions despite being mineral-rich. It is controlling your own destiny in a way, and we don’t control our own borders.”—Tom Tancredo. Your email address will not be published. There is a need for minority welfare schemes to be launched and implemented efficiently by administration to address the challenges and various forms of discrimination faced by them in jobs, housing and daily life. India has a large number of educated unemployed who can be trained and qualified for organized crime. They were largely tribal belts that were neglected by the government and also by the mainstream media. But in the Indian sub-continent context, communalism has come to be associated with tensions and clashes between different religious communities in various regions. Watch new Heartland Season 13 episodes Thursdays at 8 PM ET. In order to combat the impact of transnational organized crime, meaningful cooperation between the public and private sectors is necessary; however, few successful examples of this exist. The politicisation of the Army is taking its toll on a soldier’s psyche as he is forced to take sides, instead of remaining apolitical and secular in his thinking and action. Boundaries hastily drawn to give shape to the new political entities did not follow any distinct physical feature. How to Approach Geography ... Continental Drift Theory. Frontier Technology per se is not the problem, but there are ethical issues surrounding privacy, ownership and transparency. Companies have a lot of data and information on their systems. They have also indulged in robberies of banks to fund their movement. Heavy snowfall and frigid temperatures across the U.S. have kept winter storm warnings in effect from Washington to the Great Lakes into northern New England and a large section of the South. Probability of recurrence of communal riots in a town where communal riots have already taken place once or twice is stronger than in a town when such riots have never occurred. Layering conceals the source of the money through a series of transactions and bookkeeping tricks. Matching infrastructure and military capability should be built to ensure peace and enable negotiations from a position of strength. Technological dependence could be considered the opposite of self-reliance. The communal violence touched its apogee in December 1992 when the Babri Masjid was demolished by right wing parties. The origin of a disruption, the identity of the perpetrator or the motivation for it can be difficult to ascertain and the act can take place from virtually anywhere. Specialised financial businesses have for many years played an increasing role in providing certain types of services, including money remittance (MR), foreign currency exchange (CE) and the issue / management of means of payment to a variety of actors. In the case of organized crime and terrorism, this might include technical know-how, intellectual property, and manufacturing techniques for building anything from bombs to drones.
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