Professor McGonagall will be so impressed with your display of skill that she will reward you with ten House Points. Later on, you went and pranked Filch’s office by placing the item in the gift box. And who better to ask about Charms then Professor Flitwick. 1 Achievements 2 Year One 2.1 Howling Hallowe'en 2.2 Party Planner 2.3 Christmas at Hogwarts 3 Year Two 3.1 Normal Achievements 3.1.1 Become an Honorary Rocker 3.1.2 Packmates 3.1.3 Hosting the Beauxbatons 3.1.4 Christmas at the Burrow 3.1.5 Meet the Malfoys 3.1.6 Duelling Deathday Parties 3… This, however, won’t be an easy task, but if anyone is up for the task, it’s you. When you get there, you’ll notice Merula talking to her associates about the Cursed Vaults. However, there is a waiting period of three hours before you can proceed. hide. Apparently, Boggarts are related to one of the Cursed Vaults. Either way, once you are able to proceed, go to the Grand Staircase to meet Nick. You’ll show him the notebook and after a brief talk, you’ll get the task to decode it. Before we start, I'd like to point out that English is not my mother language, so some misspelling and grammar mistakes may happen during the story. When you are done, the lesson will be unlocked, so head back to the classroom to attend it. In Chapter 2 of Year 3, players will also unlock the ability to travel to Hogsmeade. She will give you a list of necessary ingredients and that will conclude the chapter. This investigation is getting interesting. She will offer to teach you Immobulus. Help Hagrid look for Fang and then meet him at the Three Broomsticks. When you get there, you’ll notice Tulip sitting at one of the tables. It sure sounds like an exciting task. Apparently, your friend knows that this student spends a lot of time in the Transfiguration Classroom. You’ll learn that he is smuggling all sorts of forbidden items into Hogwarts. User account menu. After that, you went to Zonko’s with Tonks and picked up the perfect prank for the caretaker. When you are able to proceed, go there to meet with her. What were your favorite moments? There isn’t much of a difference between this one and all the other lessons you’ve had so far. This will also add Jae to your list of friends. ... Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Now that the lessons are out of the way, you can focus on the story tasks. Who knows, you might become a Prefect one day! To learn the Impediment Jinx, you need to acquire five stars within three hours. Hit the GO button and proceed to your common room. Now that you are done with this, your Prefect will ask you to meet her in your Common Room a bit later for one last surprise. This quest differs a bit depending on the house you are in, but in general, there isn’t too much of a difference. It will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the gold cost of the task. By the looks of it, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. However, that will also be unsuccessful, so you’ll have to find some other way to open it. Trace the wand movement on the screen to successfully perform this task. After talking for a while, Penny showed up to inform you that her little sister is missing. For example, players now visit the Library, which is located at Lower Floor - East, right next to the Transfiguration Classroom. Unlocking Impedimenta Lesson requires you to earn a total of nine stars from the Defence Against the Dark Arts Class. You’ll have to look for that room in order to find the rest of his notes. The fastest way to accomplish this is by taking three of the one-hour classes. Your friend will ask what are you planning to do. 1 Parts 1.1 Report to Your Prefect 1.2 Collect Slugs 1.3 Report to Your Prefect (II) 1.4 Put on New Clothes 1.5 Report to Your Prefect (III) 1.6 Attend Flying Class 1.7 Meet with Rowan The … You should be able to do this with one energy bar, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. When you are ready, hit the Start button to begin. You have three items to choose from. We duel a Hungarian Horntail Dragon and reveal the true story about rakepick! You will finally be able to attend the Defence Against the Dark Arts under the tutelage of … After all, Jam City has sometimes skipped weeks in the … Trace the wand movement on the screen to perform this spell. Only one star is needed to pass. Archived. If you are looking to optimize the energy usage, try completing actions with the high cost whenever they are available. The correct answer is the third one, but it requires you to have level seventeen Knowledge attribute. Apparently, she wants to see if you are worthy of receiving her help. Thanks to this, you had plenty of time to search through his office and find Jacob’s notebook. After searching for a while, the two of you will find a room locked with a two-key padlock. You have three options to choose from. Do this like any other story task and you shouldn’t have any trouble. Tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation. Year 7 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery covers the 1990–1991 school year.1 1 Chapters 1.1 Chapter 1: Year Seven Begins 1.2 Chapter 2: More Questions Than Answers 1.3 Chapter 3: On The Case 2 Achievements 3 Classes 3.1 Astronomy 3.2 Charms 3.3 Potions 3.4 History of Magic 3.5 Transfiguration 3.6 Defence Against the Dark Arts 4 Notes and references Currently none. You can either wait for a while or spend some gems, it’s up to you. ... Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Close. Sadly, there are not that many actions with the high cost, but as long as you started with full energy, you shouldn’t expect much trouble with this task. You’ll talk to your Prefect some more and then you will drink the potion, which will result in some hilarious lines of dialogue. Instead, you will need to help her create the Ultimate Dungbomb which she will use to chase them away. Tap on those if you want to interact with them. Copyright 2021 © | Mito Games Corporation | Our website use cookies, please read our Privacy Policy. This spell is also usable in duels. Because of this, he’ll suggest that you speak with Nearly Headless Nick. Because of this, you might want to consider having full energy before starting it. Two of the popular combinations include doing two of the eight-hour or three of the three-hour classes. To complete it, you need to obtain five stars within three hours. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Potions Classroom. The second lesson of the chapter is the Defence Against the Dark Arts. Continue your dealings with Peeves as you search for the next Cursed Vault. After listening to them for a while, Tulip will ask you if you should get rid of Merula’s cronies before confronting her. When you are ready, hit the Start button to begin. Once the work is done, you’ll meet Jae Kim, the Fifth-Year Gryffindor who often finds himself in detention for breaking various school rules. There are plenty of actions with the high cost so you shouldn’t have to spend much energy completing this task. That means, if they keep releasing 1 chapter every week, we have a full year of this ahead of us. Then you’ll receive a new task to meet her in the Greenhouse Three. Green is the best answer. Also, successfully completing the mini-tasks after earning each of the stars will grant you ten Knowledge points per task. After talking to Tulip for a while, you’ll receive a test from her. This task requires of you to earn five stars within three hours with one being needed to pass. hogwarts mystery walkthrough. The caretaker opened it and then you witnessed one of the most hilarious scenes in the game. When you are done, hit the Collect button to continue. There is a waiting period of eight hours before you can continue. She has a particular knack for art which you firsthand noticed during your meeting. When the class ends, the Professor will tell you that he suspects something far more complicated caused poor Beatrice to become trapped inside the portrait. Picking the second option is recommended as long as you meet the attribute requirement. 94% Upvoted. Year 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 focuses on Penny Haywood who isn’t able to concentrate on school while her sister is in serious danger. Almost all of the actions have low cost except for the ones tied to Nick, so focus on those whenever they are available in order to save some energy. As for these classes, simply complete actions by tapping on glowing objects. Year 5 Chapter 3? Hello everyone, are you excited for Chapter Five of Year Five of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? Afterward, tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation with Rowan. | All game-related assets are property of developers and/or publishers and are used by the BMG team for informational and educational purposes. Lastly, once you earn the fifth star, you will be tasked with finishing the potion. Let us know in the comments below. When you finish the previous chapter's tasks and begin this chapter, head to your house Common Room. report. Since all five stars are required to pass, this could prove difficult to accomplish if you are low on energy. When you are done with these classes, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards and continue. You have three response options. However, the entirety of its contents is encrypted, so you’ll need Rowan’s help with deciphering it. Getting through each chapter requires you to finish tasks you come … In general, you should focus on completing these as soon as they appear since most of them have great rewards which will definitely be of a great use on your curse-breaking adventures! This task behaves in a similar manner as Meal With a Friend mini-game. Upon completion, the player earns 75 coins, 150XP, and Ben Copper as a new friend. Since there are three hours of waiting time before you can proceed, you can either wait for a bit or spend some gems if you are impatient. Apparently, someone was meddling with another vault and has unleashed this disaster upon Hogwarts. Trace the wand movement on the screen to perform this. Now that the side quest is complete, you can resume the main story. This choice will have a minor impact on the story, but overall, it shouldn’t affect the general outcome of the chapter, so feel free to pick whichever friend you prefer. This lesson behaves in a similar manner to the classes you had beforehand, so follow the same steps and you should have no problems with it. Use promo code "gamingisfun". When you are done, you’ll be tasked with casting Impedimenta on Ismelda. HOGWARTS MYSTERY WALKTHROUGH. Now you can do the other lesson for the chapter. As Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery fans complete Year 5 Chapter 3, they begin to discover that developer Jam City has actually added Year 5 Chapter 4 to the game as well. Once you are done with the classes, Antidote to Common Poisons lesson should be unlocked, so proceed back to the classroom. In order to complete this lesson, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Once again, some of the biggest changes in Year 3 come in the form of new locations to explore. You’ve learned another spell that might come in handy in the future. This thread is archived. However, at the same time, you will receive a side quest to talk to your Prefect. This will fill up the star meter and eventually, you will earn stars. WHEN TO UNLOCK EACH LOCATIONS. You’ll then report to Pitts, the House Elf in charge of the Kitchens. Sadly, it didn’t work and she got really frustrated over it. Tulip will finally open up to you and you’ll learn that her accomplice is none other than Merula Snyde. Trace the wand movement on the screen to perform this successfully. When you are done, you will find out that Tulip is quite a mischievous student herself. When you get there, she will tell you that she wants to teach you how to tend to Snargaluff, a particularly violent plant. Chapter 3 contains 7 parts and 1 class. Follow the same steps and you should be done with these quickly and easily. Then, you will notice a writing on the lock. It seems likely that Year 5 Chapter 3 will be added to Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery next Thursday, September 27. When you are able to continue, head to the Great Hall to meet with Tulip. Year 5 Chapter 7 is now available in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Tap on those to see what they have to say to you. When you get to the Common Room your Prefect will tell you that soon she will leave Hogwarts for good since this is the final year of her Hogwarts studies. Learning the lesson about Medieval Assembly of European Wizards is an eight-hour task requiring you to earn five stars to pass. Hello everyone, are you ready for Chapter Five of Year Three of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? After a short introductory speech and a quick demonstration, the task window will open. 2. I hope you like today's too. Not just that, she will promise to put up a good word with the Headmaster and the Head of your House. As long as you have full energy prior to starting it, you should have no trouble completing it in time. 14 comments. You have eight hours to complete it, during which you have to obtain at least one out of five stars. Year 5 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 begins with the main character serving detention with Pitts the House Elf where you will meet a new friend. After talking to your Prefect for a while, she will ask if you can guess the reason for all these lessons you had earlier. Because of this, you should wait before you are at full energy before starting it. Now that you’re done with the lessons part of the chapter, you can continue the story. As before, there are three hours of waiting time before you can continue. After that, you’ll introduce Jae to your other friends. Later on, you found Penny in the classroom, brewing a special potion that could help her locate Bea. It is recommended to select the first option as long as your Empathy is level thirteen or above. You will being Chapter 26 by meeting Bill and Charlie in the Prefect bathroom to meet with Duncan. After earning each star, you’ll get a mini-task. The test involves disarming the dungbomb strapped to her toad’s back. Now that Duro lesson is unlocked, you can head back to the classroom to attend it.
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