Hi Rebecca, I’ve been making Claussen knock-off pickles for years, but I lost my original recipe, and last year’s batch did not turn out very well. How would I break down this recipe if I only wanted to make a jar or 2? I am impressed that they are not too salty, as some dills are. Not sure if it was course or not. I’d use it to plunk other veggies in, but I don’t think I’d actually re-go for the pickles! Can you define ‘room temp’? Additionally, the pickles would suffer texturally during processing. I put some in a canning jar, but I’m not sure if I should leave it out or refridgerate? Leaves more time for the other veggies that time cant be shortened. A mixture of whole and broken spices, seeds, and herbs used to flavor in the pickling process. Thanks so much for sharing. Much more and you’ll encourage salt loving yeast growth (which would be nasty) and much less and you’ll encourage bacterial growth (also undesirable). Place a couple of slices of onion on top and seal the jars. Plan ahead though, they need to be refrigerated for at least 3 days before they're ready for eating. The juice though does not look like Claussen Pickle juice, it looks darker in color, like a light tea color. I’m interested in doing this to all sorts of vegetables. I’ll leave in fridge for awhile and see what happens. Will those work with your reciepe? The most common spice company is McCormick's and they have an inordinate amount of clove in their pickling mix. Excuse the typos! Read all the comments and am still a little confused. It’s absolutely fine to halve or even quarter this recipe. Do you foresee any problems I need to be aware of trying this with sliced and adding a few dried Thai peppers as long as all stays below the brine? Hi there! Do any of those sound familiar? And the pickles will disappear faster than you can make them. I can’t imagine it could go too far wrong, though. Could quart jars be used instead on gallon? She especially loves sweet relish. As for iodized….i HEARTILY disagree. If you could help me out I would be ever so grateful! Let me start by saying I have never canned anything, I have never even had a garden! Just one question though. Cloudy brine is not a problem but milky plus all these other issues sounds problematic. In 3 days, refrigerate. That seems to keep them crunchy as well. Have you ever heard of anyone getting botulism from pickles? Because they have a short life. And sadly, brines are not interchangeable for different types of pickles. They are simply put into jars. They’re easier to find at farmers markets, though! I think you must secretly be the best friend I haven’t met yet! And he drank it*. (I checked them at 3 and they weren’t remotely ready.) Me thinks that those two do not belong in dill pickles. I like them a lot and think they are cheaper than Claussen and you are not supporting corporate America (Gen Foods). On the plus side, the wait is only two to four days which is significantly less than the six week wait of the canned pickles. It defies physics. . The fizz, in my experience, means a good pickle. I didn’t know it was a remedy. Crisp Sweet Pickle Making – A family tradition My family has always processed their fruits and vegetables from their gardens. Google recipes for half sour pickles and you will find vinegar interferes with fermentation. How in the world do you only use 1 cup of vinegar? If it is in there, take it out. This method will be lower in probiotics because vinegar inhibits the fermentation process and therefore the good bacteria does multiply like it does during fermentation. . I really haven’t tried heat-sealing them. The pickles are mostly called Gherkins and the supermarket varieties are mostly VERY inedibly sweet. How much water should I use for the brine? LOL. My pickles aren’t crunchy and that drives me nuts!! God Bless you, lady! It’s one of the “remaining ingredients” to mix together in the pitcher. Leave them on th counter foruse bottled water. This is my 2nd year making these pickles! I usually use the blend McCormick sells called “Pickling Spice”. A garlic dill pickle will load up on garlic cloves. Hi Mike! It isn't the same as white vinegar. The combination of the ratio of vinegar to water and salt provides a stable environment for lacto-fermenting these pickles. Also, for those who don't have pickling jars and are using a bowl you should at least double the marinade in order to completely cover the eggs and onions. I just made a batch, with a 5% solution, and it came out very good. Do you have to refrigerate all the pickles or can you leave them in the brine until you are ready to start a new jar? Give Us Feedback: Let us know, what brine strengths and curing times you have tried, and how your pickles turned out. Do the pickles have to br refrigerated? Omg! These pickles are NOT CANNED. I have a few questions about your directions: 1. Even if you ARE canning obsessed, like yours truly, this Claussen pickle recipe should be in your pickle repertoire too. In our house, they rarely last that long because, as the saying  goes, “A pickle a day keeps sad times away.”. Not sure what happened. If it starts getting fuzzy, you would want to throw it out. They are, of course, delicious with any type of Japanese meal, sushi, tempura and even Japanese curry. I suspect the pickle recipes you were looking at online called for adding teaspoons of salt per quart jar and not one teaspoon to a gallon of water and cup of vinegar. It’s a natural by-product of fermentation. Use 2 tsp. Hi Brenda- Other recipes that call for a 50/50 ratio of water and vinegar are probably suitable for canning. So. I would not be inclined to do that. Shouldn’t you make a half gallon of brine to cover the pickles? I get the blog thing but very few care, hence I’m the only comment . Hi Toni- Heating the brine will not make a difference here. If you find yourself with extra when the process is done, you can most definitely use it to make more pickles. I know a jar will last like 10 mins in this house. I just put them in the fridge so I am anxious to see how crispy they have remained in a few days. The only pickling spice I could find at our grocer was McCormick's and it contains cloves. One with added chiles and mustard seeds. That’s what you hear when you bite these. Thanks so much, Edna! I tossed all of them. I make them and the brine. I also haven't noticed a difference between leaving them over night and eating them or leaving them for 3 days and eating them. First go the dill and spices, then the cukes, then the brine. But forget all of that these taste GREAT! Hi Cindy- Yes you can, but it’ll taste a little different at the end. I see this post is from 2011 but hoping for a reply. I’ve used it since it was released and prefer it’s flavor. They turned out perfectly after 3 days and we ate quite a few the first day. Did you by any chance add the vinegar to the jar directly or did you mix it into the salt water before pouring over the cucumbers? Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. Does this recipe really only call for 1 cup vinegar to 16 cups water and is that safe and enough for the picked taste? I wonder if you had some bad cucumbers! He’ll “dispose” of it for you. My husband wants me to use your recipe for pickled eggs well, here goes.
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