Understanding that such diffuse minds could never perceive the material universe without manifesting themselves in a material form, some Necrontyr actively sought the C'tan's favour and oversaw the forging of physical shells for the C'tan to occupy, cast from the living metal called necrodermis. Across many millennia, the ultimate outcome of this process of gradual desensitization was that the Necrontyr became little more than souless automatons, the warrior-slaves of the C'tan who scour the galaxy for souls to feed their insatiable masters' appetities for living energy. All Necron starships are well-armored in necrodermis, equipped with self-repair systems and utilize some sort of advanced stealth technology which makes them difficult to detect for enemy targeting systems, granting Necron vessels surprising staying power. Liked this video? For the professional soldiery, the merely adequate was deemed appropriate. The colossal amounts of energy generated are detectable across light years, and are an irresistable lure to the inquisitive and acquisitive alike. The 9th Edition Codex: Necrons also launched on October 10, 2020 and is available now – with the option of a snazzy Collector’s Edition, too. Charistoph. When he marches to war, the Necron Overlord does so with the surety of victory -- he has cogitated and calculated every possible outcome in the ensuing conflict and formulated strategies to ensure that everything goes to plan. How the Necrontyr ever managed to communicate with them is unknown to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Necrodermis is the xenos material created millions of years ago by the Necrontyr species that is often described as "living metal." Long story short, the War in Heaven was a war that began by the Necrontyr to unify their race. A Destroyer cares not for borders or dynasty allegiance, nor does he make any distinction between the innocent and the damned -- all life is his enemy, and all living creatures are his prey. The C'tan were figures of terror who demanded their adoration and fear in equal measure. Triarch Praetorians, the surviving agents of the vanished Triarch ruling council, fight alongside any nemesor whom they judge to have the best interests of the dynasties at heart. A power vacuum was left by their master's demise, as many of Mephrit's Overlords continue to cling to the past. Those of lesser rank bear only elements of the glyph, symbolising their position relative to a royal dynasty's heart of power. Trazyn. It is believed by many Imperial savants that some Tomb Worlds still maintain a wide variety of units more powerful and destructive than the massed phalanxes of Necron Warriors and Monoliths that have been encountered by the defenders of the Imperium to date. Even a noble who lacks for a Royal Court commands a legion of Necron Warriors, a few phalanxes of Immortals and Deathmarks, as well as a phalanx of Lychguard. Backed up by the formidable strength of a Lychguard, a warscythe can split even an armoured warrior of the Adeptus Astartes nearly in two. Recently, however, there has been a dramatic decrease in the use of Necron Pariahs in Necron armies, and the Ordo Xenos believes that these troops may not have proven as effective as Necron commanders had once hoped and are being phased out of the Necron dynasties' order of battle. Yet even here a tiny spark of self-awareness remains, enough only to torment the Necron with vague memories and echoes of the past it once knew. The Sarnekh Dynasty is a Necron Dynasty based upon the Crownworld of Zapennec, which is located in the, The Shemnoch Dynasty is a little known Necron Dynasty that fought the, The Thokt Dynasty is a Necron Dynasty located in the, The Imperium encountered the Vralekth Dynasty during the, The Xonthar Dynasty is a Necron Dynasty that is newly-awoken from their aeons-long slumber, and have spent much of their time since the Great Sleep battling the Eldar of Craftworld. The background image above is a low res version of an image part of Games Workshop, all rights belong to its rightful owners. Each Tomb World, once it has been reactivated, awakens its sleepers in a rigid and predictable algorithmic sequence that is as inevitable as the dying of the stars. Others focus attention inwards, avoiding unnecessary conflict with alien races to pursue internal politics or oversee the rebuilding of their planet to the glory of 60 million years past. In time, these star vampires learned to move on the diaphanous wings of the universe's electromagnetic flux, leaving their birthplaces to drift through the cosmic ether to new stellar feeding grounds and begin their cycle of stellar destruction once more. Sometimes the Necrons attack in the full panopoly and spectacle of honourable war, rigorously applying their ancient codes of battle. And so, when the C'tan finally won their great war, their triumph proved short-lived. A futuristic race in warhammer 40,000 and is one of the playible charicters Over a long period of time, the new unliving bodies dulled the Necrontyr's minds and their abilities to feel emotion or pleasure. Pariahs also radiate an unnatural aura as a result of their soullessness that has a terribly unnerving effect upon their enemies, but especially for psykers who can become incapacitated by their sheer presence. From the earliest days, the rulers of individual Necrontyr dynasties were themselves governed by the Triarch, a council composed of three monarchs or "phaerons.". Each dynasty of the Necrontyr sought to claim its own destiny and some began to secede from the overall Necrontyr Empire and the rule of the Triarch. They nurtured many potential warrior races, among which are believed to be the earliest members of the Aeldari species and many other xenos races, including the Rashan, the Jokaero, the K'nib, the Krork and many others. Immortals are typically armed with gauss blasters, weapons even deadlier than the Gauss Flayers used by Warriors. Even in life, the Necrontyr civilisation was one of strict protocol and process, governed by nobles whose rule was absolute. In this, their prayers were answered, though the price for their species would be incalculably high. Yet this absence of psychic ability enforces its own limitations, particularly when combating creatures to whom sorcery is as much a part of war as conventional munitions, as there is no surer defence against a psyker than another, more powerful, psyker. Grezhul The Darkheart. They are not creatures of flesh and blood, these Necrons, but android warriors whose immortal forms are forged from living metal. They would allow the Enslavers to take what was left of the sentient life in the galaxy and let it become an interstellar wasteland; the psyker swarm would then die away and in time the galaxy would evolve new lifeforms who would be less sophisticated and easier to dominate. (Join me?). They are only able to interact with the physical world thanks to the technology of the Necrontyr, which transferred their consciousnesses into bodies made of the living metal called Necrodermis. Pariahs wield spear-like Warscythes that are also outfitted with built-in Gauss Blasters that make them extremely dangerous opponents. Every few solar months, when no more meat remains -- whether because it has been torn into fragments too tiny to scrabble over or simply due to inexorable rot -- Valgul announces a new Time of Bounty, and despatches the fleets of Drazak to raid nearby worlds. Fringeworlds were often poor or distant colonies of a dynasty, able to contribute to the wider realm only in terms of manual labour or as a location for penal institutions. To external observers, the behaviour of awoken Tomb Worlds must seem eclectic almost to the point of randomness. Likewise, the Necrons now enjoyed a political unity that the Necrontyr had never known, though it was achieved through tyranny and the complete loss of individuality and emotion rather than by any form of consent. On desolate worlds thought long-bereft of all life, ancient machineries wake into grim purpose, commencing the slow process of revivification that will see those entombed within freed to stride across the stars once again. The nobles of the Zantragora Dynasty have but one overriding goal - to achieve apotheosis, and undo biotransference's curse by transferring their consciousness into the bodies of other sentient creatures. Additionally, it was a further extension of this same technology that led to the Necrons' uncompleted Great Work, the creation of the network of anti-psychic blackstone pylons erected on Cadia and many other worlds across the galaxy that were intended to cut off access to the Warp by all inhabitants of realspace forever. The Necron Lords and Overlords of the 41st millennium need never worry about a treacherous knife in the back from a supposedly loyal guardian, making the Lychguards the last defence against the machinations of rival nobles. The Necrontyr were pushed back until they were little more than an irritation to the Old Ones' dominance of the galaxy, a quiescent threat clinging to their irradiated world among the Halo Stars, exiled and forgotten. Its face looks like it is covered by a mask that has holes and a mouth. Their voidships are stunningly fast and agile, equipped with propulsion systems which are capable of traveling interstellar distances without entering the Warp as well as by using the Dolmen Gates into the Webway. As the C'tan focused their consciousnesses and became ever more aware of their new mode of existence, they came to appreciate the pleasures available to beings of matter and the other realities of corporeal life. Cascade failures of stasis-crypts destroyed millions, if not billions, of dormant Necrons. Now the siege has finally ended, and Trakonn's armies have finally cast the upstart Humans from their planet and begun the search for the other Tomb Worlds of their dynasty. Necron legions assailed the Old Ones in every corner of the galaxy. As their territory grew ever wider and more diverse, the unity that had made them strong was eroded, and bitter wars were waged as entire realms fought to win independence. The only concious Necrons that remain are the Overlords and the Silent King himself. Clad in crumbling vestments and wielding ancient, arcane staff weapons, the Necron Lord is a chilling sight to behold on the battlefield as they direct their Necron Warriors in unnatural silence. At the root of t… Subscribe here: http://goo.gl/oeZMBS This video is the foundation of all 40K lore from hereon. Mandragora's defences were second to none, as befitted a world of its status, and it survived the Great Sleep intact and safe from the attentions of plunderers. The latter were different from their current counterparts in that the original … Glutted on the life force of the Necrontyr, the empowered C'tan were nigh unstoppable and unleashed forces beyond comprehension. Nodal Command organisation allocates a strict hierarchy to all of the elements within it. All of these acts, diverse though they are in scope and method, are directed towards a single common goal: the restoration of the Necron dynasties to rule over the galaxy. Even as a raiding force, they are a serious threat because they are fully capable of outmaneuvering most other fleets (probably with the exception of the Asuryani and their dark Drukhari kin) to pick fights on an even footing. Beublghor and his innumerable Bloodletter armies crushed the isolated Necron strike forces one by one. This early army list had two units for the Fast Attack selections, Necron Destroyers and Scarabs. Yet for all their efforts, it was already too late. Imotekh. Transcendant C'tan are the most dangerous of their kind amongst the C'tan Shards. When the War in Heaven ended, Mandragora's stasis-crypts were filled to capacity with some of the finest warriors that the Necron dynasties could command. The Ogdobekh Dynasty was ever famed for its technical mastery. Their haughty attitude has ired the egomaniacal Drakvir, who now readies his dynasty for total war. To the younger sentient species of the galaxy, the Necrons and their Star Gods were cruel masters, callously harvesting their populations at will to feed the C'tan's ceaseless hunger. Initially these defenders will be directed by the Tomb World's Tomb Mind, whose complex algorithmic decision matrix allows it to calculate an efficient response to any perceived threat. So it is that whilst most Asuryani craftworlds are re-honing half-remembered strategies from the War in Heaven, Alaitoc is reaching its hand, assailing the Necrons on their own territory, sabotaging their Tomb Worlds and bringing the fight to their legions of undying warriors whenever the opportunity presents itself. A handful stirred in time to see the Nova Terra Interregnum, when Nova Terra challenged the might of the Golden Throne in the 34th Millennium for 900 years, or arose at the hour in which the Apostles of the Blind King waged their terrible wars that began in 550.M37. When a Necron Lord or Overlord succumbs, a great threat to all life is born. In a typically bitter act of jealousy and resentment for the Necrontyr race, it was the Silent King who used the Old Ones' refusal to share the secret of immortality as a pretext for war, forcibly uniting the entire Necrontyr species beneath the rule of the Triarch against their common foe. According to ancient, pre-determined algorithms, the stasis tombs then bring on-line other Necron machineries and weapons as the circumstances warrant. For this reason, when contained within a Tesseract Vault, a Transcendant C'tan is also kept within a special energy shield generated by a robotic Necron construct known as a Canoptek Sentinel. If you fail to accept this generous offer, my armies shall conclude these negotiations. The Necron armies were undone when Beublghor's tunnels began to shift and flow into new shapes. They initiated a great warding, a plan to forever defeat the psychic sorceries of the Old Ones by sealing off the material universe in the vicinity of the Milky Way Galaxy from the Warp. You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course.All background images part of the generators are part of the public domain and thus free to be used by anybody, with the exception of user submitted backgrounds, images part of existing, copyrighted works, and the pet name generator images. The Maynarkh only recently awoke from their stasis-tombs and the Undying Legions of the Maynarkh were responsible for the utter devastation and loss of the. 100 Male Necromancer Names. Though nominally a Tomb World, Trantis is, in truth, but a Necron fringeworld, and the satellite of the much larger and resource-rich Imperial world of Mandal. Giodan The Putrid. Yet every few nights another Human settlement vanishes without warning and without trace. Lychguards are typically armed with warscythes, massive polearms with blades sheathed in a highly advanced and devastating power field. Atrocitus, Carol Ferris, Hal Jordan, Indigo, Larfleeze, Saint Walker and Sinestro pour their combined beams into his Power Battery, hoping to obliterate it with the full life-force energies of creation. Same probably goes for the middle rank. Some fringeworlds will once have counted amongst the coreworlds of a different dynasty, but have since been conquered or otherwise subsumed into the dominion of their current ruler, thus descending in status. Almost every necron is well over sixty million years old, however most of this time has been spent in stasis. But before it was complete, the seeds of destruction the Old Ones had planted millennia before brought about an unforeseen cataclysm. Just as Necron society is rigidly hierarchical, so too are its Tomb Worlds. There is no single repository of information in the Imperium, no established central historical record -- in a galaxy-spanning civilisation so shrouded in ignorance and superstition, it would be remarkable if it were otherwise. Only nobles of the very lowest ranks do not have courts of their own, yet even these mimic their betters by keeping a circle of untitled advisors from the most acceptably sentient of their vassals. Dynastic glyphs are unique to Necron nobles. With every silent gesture, glittering arcs of viridian energy surround them as their empty eye sockets burn with soulless fire. Only with further manipulation of the Celestial Orrery can these forces be returned to their proper balance, and this invariably takes many thousands of Terran years of constant and precise micromanagement. Beings of pure energy, they paid no mind to the hunks of solid matter they passed in the vacuum of space, the blazing geothermal fires and weak geomagnetic fields of these nascent planets insufficient to be worth feeding even their ravenous hunger. The maelstrom of souls unleashed into the Immaterium by the carnage of the War in Heaven coalesced in the previously formless energies of the Warp. The march of aeons during the Great Sleep left the Mephrit's grandeur faded and tattered. Outside of combat, Immortals display about as much personality as a Monotask Servitor. Necron Lychguard armed with a Hyperphase Sword and a Dispersion Shield. More so, it displays the classic arrogance of those who assumed that the boundaries of their knowledge are, in fact, the boundaries of reality. Because of this, enemy forces like the Imperium have had great difficulty in obtaining Necron artifacts or "corpses" to study. Their aim is apotheosis, the undoing of biotransference's curse of soullessness by transferring their consciousnesses into the organic bodies of other sentient beings. This discrepant information causes great confusion concerning the exact number and nature of the surviving C'tan, even among the Aeldari. Driven by necessity, the Necrontyr eventually escaped their crucible-prison and struck out for the stars, hopeful of carving an empire in which they could realise their species' potential free from the lethal energies of their birth star. With the devastating weapon known as a Rod of Covenant at their disposal there is very little that can survive the assault of a Triarch Praetorian. Alas, the C'tan were immortal star-spawn, part of the fundamental fabric of reality and therefore nigh-impossible to destroy. Those few that are chained to Necron service are not contained by Tesseract Labyrinths, but by energy shackles designed aeons ago by the legendary Necron artificer Svarokh. The Oltep Dynasty was a Necron Dynasty that awoke upon the Tomb World of Cocholos in 052.M40, only to find their planet's inner fires dead. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. The Necrons are a completely robotic humanoid species whose technological prowess is probably unmatched by any of the other intelligent species of the galaxy. Entombed in stasis-crypts for millions of Terran years, they have slumbered through the aeons, waiting for the galaxy to heal from the wounds of a long and bloody war. Only one hope can now preserve the other intelligent species of the galaxy from the Necrons' advance, from the endless legions of silent and deathless warriors rising from long-forgotten tombs. I am considering a new necron force (like the rest of the world atm) and want it to be thematic but also actually useable! So fractured had the Necrontyr dynasties become by then that, had the Old Ones been so inclined, they could have wiped out their foes with ease. The biotransference process had embedded command protocols in every machine-like Necron mind, granting Szarekh the unswerving if programmed loyalty of his subjects. Indeed, any such being -- whether Warp-spawned daemon, energy-based life form or an alien with advanced technology -- can be mistaken for a C'tan if the observer is primitive, credulous or simply ill-informed enough. This rigid hierarchy became more entrenched during the transition from flesh to machine, and the awakening Necron civilisation is far more complex and stratified than the one that once ruled the galaxy. Other Tomb Worlds fell victim to the uncaring evolution of the galaxy itself. Scattered Necron raiding parties heralded the undying race's awakening to full activity once more in the 41st Millennium, but now as their thirsty Star Gods, the C'tan, rise to a hungry wakefulness for life energy, the dreaded Necrontyr have returned to claim the galaxy for their own. The name literally means "corpse skin" (from Greek νεκρος and δερμις, or dermis). The resulting protocol is tedious beyond the endurance of living creatures, but for the Necron nobility it is merely another way of whiling away eternity. Their wide, hunched shoulders support a leering, skull face and long, whip-like arms that wield Necrodermis scalpel blades for fingers and a nightmare array of surgical implements. Errors in circuitry and protocols ensured that a revivification destined to take place in the early years of the 41st Millennium of the Imperial Calendar actually began far earlier in a few cases, or has yet to occur at all in others. As even the smallest of Tomb Worlds has at least two-score nobles of lesser rank, an Overlord can commonly draw upon at least a hundred legions of Necron Warriors, should they have need. Ultimately, beset by the implacable onset of the C'tan and the calamitous Warp-spawned perils they had themselves mistakenly unleashed, the Old Ones were defeated, scattered and finally destroyed. In most situations, only a few Necron Warriors and specialist support units like Destroyers or Wraiths are deployed to defeat an emerging threat. The Necrons are a species of robotic humanoids. Some will also carry Hyperphase Swords and Dispersion Shields, which are marginally less powerful, but offer increased protection. They recovered the fragments of the great map from one of the Crone Worlds of the Eye of Terror, spread their networks of Outcasts and Exodites ever wider and waited for the ancient enemy to return. The galaxy is blossoming with life once more, but is still overrun with latent psykers and worshippers of the infernal Warp energies unleashed during the War in Heaven. They strike out of nowhere without warning, wreak havoc and leave before any major reinforcements can arrive. The Necrons were once known as the Necrontyr, a highly advanced race plagued by jealousy for not having the secret of immortality, while 2 other species did, the Old Ones and the C'tan. Crafted by artisans of the Oruscar Dynasty long before the onset of the War in Heaven, this web of hologram and living metal is beyond price for its artistic value alone. Piecing together scattered accounts of skull-faced reaper-machines rising from the dust of Dead Worlds the length and breadth of the galaxy, the xenos-savants of the Imperial Inquisition are faced with a stark realisation. But loathe to lose such a precious tool, the Silent King had taken special precautions to ensure that the Maynarkh would survive their 60 million-year-long slumber. Ruled by its Phaeron, Nemesor Varagon Drakvir, Xonthar has been aggressive in striving to reclaim that which was lost and many worlds have felt their wrath. The C'tan who are known to currently still exist include: The names of several other C'tan are known to the Imperium of Man and the Aeldari, though they have not yet been encountered as active C'tan Shards and it remains unknown whether they still exist in Necron captivity like their brethren or have ceased to exist. This system allows for a great deal of coordination when required, but also still leaves room for independent action by distant combat groups should the need arise. Striking always in the hours of darkness, low-flying squadrons of Night Scythes flit over the landscape, deploying small forces of Necron raiders to plunder and pillage. For 60 million Terran years the Necrons slept, voicelessly waiting for their chance to complete the Silent King's final order: to restore the Necron dynasties to their former glory. That rapid expansion, and the Old Ones' incredibly long, if not downright immortal lifespans, kindled a burning, jealous rage in the Necrontyr, which ate at their culture spiritually as much as their physical cancers consumed their bodies. In addition, the Necrons understood that the mantle of galactic dominion was soon to pass to the Aeldari, one of the psychically-potent races that had fought alongside the Old Ones throughout the War in Heaven and had thus come to hate the Necrons and all their works with the burning passion that is the defining characteristic of that species. Anrakyr. A Very Damaged Necron's Handle is made with 2 Damaged Necron's Handles. Each royal dynasty created ever more elaborate titles based on its own traditions as a means of self-justification. This, combined with their multiple limbs and compound visual sensors, give an arachnoid aspect that enhances the fearful appearance of these monstrous robots. They used their great scientific skills to genetically engineer intelligent beings with an even stronger psychic link to the Warp, hoping to create servants with the capability of channeling psychic power to defend themselves against the Necrons, whose soulless nature placed the power of the Immaterium beyond their grasp. The C'tan used the hatred of the Necrontyr towards the ancient species called the Old Ones to help them gather the more appetizing energy of living beings that they came to crave. That said, the creature continually rails against his ghoulish imprisonment and obfuscates the images so that they mislead his captors as often as they are truthful. In the shroud of orbital wreckage surrounding the planet, Thaszar has access to all the raw materials he will ever need to build a Necron pirate fleet the scale of which has not been seen for 60 million Terran years; in the reprogrammed Necrons of Zapennec, he has crews and captains of unfailing loyalty. The size of a dynasty's Royal Court is not only important in terms of political status and prestige; it also determines a Necron noble's military status. A Necron Lord is the most sophisticated of the ancient race of soulless xenos known as the Necrons. Name: The Necrons, Necrontyr (Before biotransference) Origin: Warhammer 40,000. This is supported by the Necrons' terrifying ability to appear anywhere using their phase technology. These entities had little conception of what the rest of the universe entailed when the Necrontyr first found them, instead simply feeding upon the solar flares and magnetic storms of these bloated red giants. This war did exist, and was the war that turned the Necrontyr into the Necrons. War erupted across the stars, yet while the Silent King succeeded in uniting his hateful people, it was a war the Necrontyr could not win. Sometimes recovery never occurs and the sleeper is doomed forever to a mindless state. One of the hidden tyrannies of biotransference was how it entrenched the gulf between the rulers and the ruled, for there were not enough resources to provide all Necrontyr with living metal bodies that possessed the density of engrammatic pathways required to retain the full gamut of personality and awareness. As of 967.M41, another three Tomb Worlds have been overcome in this same manner, and the Sarkoni Emperor has begun to extend its will across other, non-Necron worlds, using Mindshackle Scarabs to bring any unruly organic creatures under its direct control just like its Severed servants. No known Necron Dynasties begin with the letter "P.", No known Necron Dynasties begin with the letter "Q. Other Necrons refer to such places as the Severed Worlds, and they loathe and fear their inhabitants in equal measure. No price would their be for these great gifts, the Deceiver insisted, for they were but boons to be bestowed upon valued allies. Yet even with the defeat of the Old Ones and the C'tan alike, the Silent King saw that the time of the Necrons in the galaxy was over -- for the moment, at least.
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