Famously, Citizen Kane topped our poll every decade from 1962 to 2002… A person’s salvation is based upon a secure, firm, foundational principle that those who are Christ’s will remain as Christ’s (John 6:37, 10:28-29). Otherwise its just speculation. Creationists don’t doubt that species change in adapting to their environment, what we doubt is ONE SPECIES becoming ANOTHER SPECIES, as the Bible says The party was collapsing. As for #1; It is easier to look back twenty years ago to see the decline in America’s morals but this is happening around the world too. Steve wanting to be a rascal or make it plainer than words, reached out with both arms to eye level, palms open, and grasped one of the tendons of reflected light and played like he was trying to stretch it…….you can stretch it but not break it….seems what he was indicating and hence testifying to participating in the Vision. Regardless of what you think about the accuracy or truth of the theory of evolution, I would like to see at least a better effort to correctly characterize science and its basic notions. Christians, Your definition of species is off. May he experience God? This reply is being written to point out a small typo in this paragraph. I do believe God and not evolution. That’s a big problem. This article is very interesting and helpful however I am grappling with one thing, and that is how can you be a Christian and not believe in creation? He did his graduate work at Moody Theological Seminary. Why no response to GERF? God-Existence “invades” the whole creation; he is “embodied” in creation. It does not in anyway disprove the He exists, to me it only strengthens the proof that He does! To believe in evolution means that you believe that humans have evolved, not created. The sound effects were recreated at Skywalker Sound using archived audio tracks. God is a “mysterious” reality. If you could ask Jesus about evolution, would He say He believed in it? In Matthew 19:4-6, He answers the question about divorce from the Pharisees saying, “4 And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? I ve spelt out my dissatisfaction to this division of identity and all that in a document called A Propolal for Better God -Man Relations. It came as an awakening into a surprise, I felt a something had happened ; I became aware that I was hanging overtop my head, in the form of an elongated droplet suspended downward from a surface that was above me, like an inverted lake, all crystal clear, all light and the substance of which was simply love. Theologically it works out… [10] If possible, Wellman attempted to capture footage in the air in contrast to clouds in the background, above or in front of cloud banks to generate a sense of velocity and danger. This thing sees, knows my thoughts on instant before I do and is really near me but at this point is no longer the same me as started some instants ago….I slipped from just witnessing into a more rounded place lower down, seeing the dream that I was in and the curvature of space all around me….like the walls of the kitchen were curved AND SO WAS THE SPACE BELOW THE SEEING POINT.. And yes, this is a familiar thing that I d somehow forgotten and now that it s happening and its so totally natural this extra presence is so easy to take and so belongs, I m into a new era and thats so nice. Did God create all of those whales? A person is saved by their faith in Christ and that believer can not lose their salvation or not be saved despite their belief in evolution. Secondly, in the biblical account the Earth (formless and empty, with darkness over the surface of the deep) existed BEFORE “Let there be light!”. Developing the techniques needed for filming closeups of the pilots in the air and capturing the speed and motion of the planes onscreen took time, and little usable footage was produced in the first two months. I respect science but most evolutionist are missing the most important piece of the puzzle. Did God create Adam and Eve or amoeba’s? The universe had to have been caused by something (or Someone). Like maybe to evolve into higher beings like apes and humans? ‘Just a theory’ mistake Jack has written 1112 articles on What Christians Want To Know! Thanks for sharing and I just had to share this too. because you have to plant something called an HEIRLOOM seed, in order to continue planting subsequent generations of plants. And here is another LIE that you believe – that ALL “true” scientists will tell us that evolution is true … here is a list of EIGHT HUNDRED (800 – nearly one thousand!) Good stuff Mac. And it will always remain such because it is the highest level reached by explanatory ideas in science… Confirmed hypothesis become theories (or are included in theories) and are from then on considered as scientific facts (we can argue about the use of the word “fact” A theory usually isn’t (because it’s a general explanation and not a specific prediction). I checked out your website and resume and indeed, you are obviously a man of great intellect and your responses were stated so eloquently that in my reply I was hard pressed to even give an intelligent response to your comment. When they leave for training camp, Jack mistakenly believes Sylvia prefers him. [17] One of the reasons for its resounding popularity was the public infatuation with aviation in the wake of Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic flight. LET THE BIBLE SAY WHAT THE BIBLE NEEDS TO SAY. How Do you Talk To Your Children About Sex? Experience of God. He named the first man Adam and Eve the first woman. I am glad that you said that I SEEM to be saying that “if an atheist, for example, cheats on their spouse, they would feel no remorse, only a christain who cheats on their spouse feels remorse? The person who does not believe in God has no one to be accountable to. Stephanie, you are so right. This is an interesting article. Its not essential for Christians to know or He would surely have told us. Science, Jack Wellman is a father and grandfather and a Christian author and pastor of Heritage Evangelical Free Church in Udall, KS & also a Prison Minister. ... Darwin L. Co Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (Vol.1 & Vol.2) 20th Edition PDF Ebook. Also, could God not have purposefully initiated the Big Bang or any other way scientists explain creation, essentially being a purposeful catalyst, knowing how it would turn out since he is all knowing? Like the ripples in a pond, the Kingdom of Heaven is to be forever expanding and why it was written about Jesus that “Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7a). Good to hear from you my very good friend. Lucien Hubbard offered flying lessons to all, and despite the number of aircraft in the air, only two incidents occurred—one involved stunt pilot Dick Grace, while the other was the fatal crash of an Army Air Service pilot. I agree with you about the Big Bang because God could have initiated this “bang” into His divine purpose. Jim White (DE) 1972-1976. Needless to say I disagreed with them,but another said the universe is expanding,and he used a coin spinning round a ball in the centre to represent the Sun. Lots of atheists have someone (or something) to be accountable to.”. It don`t say how he created them be it by evolution over time or instantly. –. [17] The critical response was equally enthusiastic and the film was widely praised for its realism and technical prowess, despite a superficial plot, "an aviation picnic" as Gene Brown called it. And explosion large enough to cause creation would certainly give off light!! Evolution is just a theory and nothing more, nothing can be proven to complete fact. Make sense to you Christina? However evolution as the simple idea that living species change over time is not a theory but an observed fact. Note. What I find interesting, is what was man’s purpose by god…name everything. And the less substantiated parts of a theory will be the more attacked and corrected and the theory will become more accurate (which means more objective and thus more true). It may seem that way but I never implied that an atheist who cheats on his or her spouse would not feel remorse. 3 Great Prayers From The Bible You Can Pray Back To God, 5 Powerful Strategies to Overcome Fear Today, Why Christian Posts Are Censored More Often on Social Media, Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies – Movie Review, Phoenix Wilder And The Great Elephant Adventure – Movie Review, The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island – Movie Review. He agrees and becomes distraught when he realizes what he has done. The film, a romantic action-war picture, was rewritten by scriptwriters Hope Loring and Louis D. Lighton from a story by John Monk Saunders to accommodate Bow, Paramount's biggest star at the time. If you think Jesus believed in evolution then read this first: http://www.everydaychristian.com/blogs/post/did_jesus_believe_in_evolution/ You cannot believe in evolution and believe that God created but even without knowing this for sure, no one is saved by this but by repenting and trusting in Christ. This is good news to many Christians who do believe in evolution and in God. Thank you for contributing more in your comment than I did in the entire article. There is nothing in or about the Bible that can be disproved by science in either quantifiable, measurable, repeatable, and falsifiable evidence to contradict it is not true. Then I began to research Richard Dawkins,and Stephen Hawking who are both atheist`s. Jesus said to them and to us, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. God created the amoebas too, but God said that He created them, male (Adam) and female (Eve). I actually believe in God and that Christ died for my sins and I fully believe that evolution is the best known explanation for how the Earth began and continues to teem with life as spoken into existence by God. She finds him, but he is too drunk to recognize her. Jonathan…Genesis 1 is not poetic or allegorical. Other religions are growing like Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons because they are more aggressive in witnessing (almost 90% do) but only 4% of Christians do. Why do you believe in creation when there is real, hard evidence for evolution? [18], Whereas most Hollywood productions of the day took little more than a month to shoot, Wings took approximately nine months to complete in total. God bless you. I believe that we are not to question the work and will of God. And He made reference to the first male and female being created. Evolution has never been observed, it has never been repeated, it can not be tested. The key words here are that it is a “principle” for “explaining” and not for making objective statements of facts. Wings is a 1927 American silent war film set during World War I, produced by Lucien Hubbard, directed by William A. Wellman, released by Paramount Pictures, and starring Clara Bow, Charles Rogers and Richard Arlen. And interestingly, evolution isn’t really that concerned with the origin of life, something you’d think they’d have a great deal of interest in since that is where “evolution” began! They are considered as absolutely intangible, essentially because every observation has confirmed them and it is unlikely that any observation would show anything else in the future.”. You seem to be saying that if an atheist, for example, cheats on their spouse, they would feel no remorse, only a christain who cheats on their spouse feels remorse? [17] He took six weeks to fully edit the film and prepare it for release. Evolutionists flatly deny the need for a God and thus a Creator, even though the laws of physics and the first cause (causality) demand that for ever effect there must be a cause. Randy, thank you my friend. If you want a very fast example of evolution, look at bacteria. Please do take my comment at face value and I meant what I said because you broke down each of his arguments piece by piece so well that is was difficult to “follow up” specifically with such reasoning’s as yours. The fact is that the origins of the universe and of life are outside of the parameters of the theory of evolution. You've got 'em where it hurts. It does not have to be a black and White book. Show more. there is no evolution, there is only a difference in species in the kind of environment they live in .have you ever seen a whale with two human legs in our days, {eg if a dog was buried near a human remain and years pass by and someone dig it up and the skeleton is mixed up and some parts are missing what will they say when they assemble it}and animal of long ago would have been bigger than in our days due to variety and quality of air and freedom of living evolution is dead,christian be wise. Genesis 2 is more literal than Genesis 1. That`s why I believe God made the universe in harmony. A person that believes in Christ and believes in evolution can still be saved. You say: They have no moral ethics or mores to have to be concerned about. I say this in the beginning God created everything in our little part of the universe the Sun is in the middle and the Earth with the other planets go round the Sun in harmony the Earth spins round and it takes 24 hrs to do this and at the same time we are going round the Sun and that takes a year to go round and come back to where it started. The point of emphasis to me is to answer them with gentleness and respect. Jack fails to realize that "the girl next door", Mary Preston, is desperately in love with him. [34] The statuette, not yet known as the "Oscar", was presented by Douglas Fairbanks to Clara Bow on behalf of the producers, Adolph Zukor and B.P. Appended. If by “complete objectivity” you are expecting to obtain theories about which we have absolute certainty, you don’t understand what science does. The answer is yes, Christians are to make disciples of others and themselves be discipled. It would also help Christians to be taken more seriously when they want to discuss or critic scientific notions (because they would better understand what science is, how it works, etc.). This is why I was torn in believing or not believing about God’s role in science/evolution. Celebrate and remember the lives we have lost in Mount Sterling, Ohio. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. GERF said “However evolution as the simple idea that living species change over time is not a theory but an observed fact”. At the war's end, Jack returns home to a hero's welcome. [13] Wellman soon realized that Kelly Field did not have the adequate numbers of planes or skilled pilots to perform the needed aerial maneuvers, and he had to request technical assistance and a supply of planes and pilots from Washington. Here you are to using naïve ridiculous critics. No one can dispute that our general level of intelligence and understanding far exceeds that of those who lived even 100 years ago. Prime Video Channels is the Prime benefit that lets you choose your channels. James White (DT-NT) 1976-1983. Jews tend to dismiss the story …..too many reasons why it cannt be ……at best it was an angel……this much was conceeded by an authority. Some fragments that were not mentioned above are: the foregoing succeeded by two three weeks the passage through my house of Baba Ram Das, at that time prominent as the retournee from India with “authority” from his guru, Neem Karolee Baba. He recalled that they stayed at the Saint Anthony Hotel for nine months and by the time they left the elevator girls were all pregnant. [11] Wellman was able to attract War Department support and involvement in the project, and displayed considerable prowess and confidence in dealing with planes and pilots onscreen, knowing "exactly what he wanted", bringing with it a "no-nonsense attitude" according to military film historian Lawrence H. Already answered: confirmed by every observation but not explicitly “proven” (we also can argue about what a proof is, yes). Thank you again and let me know if I ever make mistakes. He was in the beginning with God. “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"- Augustine, Copyright © 2010-2021 Telling Ministries LLC. The emphasis you put on the difference between Scientific Law and Scientific Principle is something I think a lot of struggling Christians will find comfort in.
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