A beholder zombie. The feet reappear soon after. This dimension is limbo, but in the middle of no where, as you look around you, you see barren waste land as far as the eye can see. "The same as above, but with them living out a vividly-described happy life with a family. You each end up with a familiar that guided you out of a pocket dimension while in transit. Penalty to dexterity until trimmed. [1d4] 1) A pile of wood shavings 2) 1 healing potion, cracked and leaking 3) a mirror that doesn't show any sentient creature 4) Bread. The hand quickly and viscously swats the caster down to the ground, causing them to take 2d6 falling damage and 2d6 bludgeoning damage. First, transmute stone to mud which cuts movement speed. ", A blood hawk. "A worm hole representative appears and congratulates the party on being the 1 billionth customers. Roll 1d4 and an evil twin of yourself appears that lasts that many days, but you’re both unable to kill your own copy. "The caster is teleported to a plane of Fire Elementals inside a heavy iron cage. "The teleport was successful, but you also brought some interesting things with you. They leave a ghostly version of themselves behind that continuously repeats their actions from the minute before they teleported, over and over again. Community portal Forum Activity Explore. Flip a coin to determine if they are friendly or hostile… and your mom said you couldn’t make new friends. A giant frog. ", "The teleportation goes to the right place, although the timespace has been flawed. The feet reappear soon after. There's 300 GP inside and this seems like as good a place as any to build a fort or keep. ", If the caster is able to kill the fire elemental, they are instantly transported to their intended location. Advertisements. A blood hawk. (Steam punk campaign mixing wizardry with firearms! "You point at a spot and cast teleport. No syrup or butter though. When they are eventually killed, their teleportation is completed and they revert to their previous age. ", Mishap. Each PC has a key in their hand to a different door in the complex. To see how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the Teleport table. Their souls switch bodies. "Party gains 1d4 health and are covered with glowing angelic sigils. ", Your mournful spouses kiss you goodbye as you close your eyes one last time…then you arrive at your destination as if none of it ever happened. The caster randomly teleports between the two locations for the next minute. ", The teleportation ends 1d20 feet over the ground. Exiting through the far door instantly transports the caster to their intended destination. ", "The party’s bodies and equipment are left behind but their souls make it to the destination, their bodies become dormant until their souls (now in ghosts form) can make it back to their bodies. The object or person teleporting doesn’t appear at the destination and in place a monster does. ", Any attempts in the general area to teleport within 10 minutes of the original casting causes this mishap to repeat, targeting the new caster. ... Investiture of Flame/Ice/Stone/Wind – Become the embodiment of an element and – so long as you maintain concentration – you’ll have access to a magical attack, an area of affect, varying movement abilities, and resistance to the element. Hair length increases by a year’s growth. ", The universe moves, but the caster is kept in one place. ", You can see where they they are, floating as specters/ghosts. Apparently, they were clones, not teleported, and all of their dying cells were replaced with new ones. "An inter dimensional tavern and inn appears next to you. An ancient green dragon. Lasts one day. ", A flash of lightning strikes the player intending to teleport dealing 3d6 damage. The caster disappears into the clouds and descends to their intended point of teleportation one turn later, breaking all surfaces along the way and causing a similar explosion to the first at their point of impact. A door remains closed on the far side of the room, and there are no windows to be seen. Roll 1D6 to find: 1. You're naked as the day you were born. The caster is teleported into an empty seat at a warm, cozy inn. ", "Every part of the person's body arrives at the destination... except for their skin which comes several minutes later", A beholder. If you want to teleport to a seaside city but appear in the sea 18 miles away from the shore, then you are in trouble. Your familiarity with the destination determines whether you can successfully arrive. 5e teleportation circle I feel like I'm just overth thinking about this, but I'm having trouble understanding the fifth edition spell teleportation circle. If that attack hits, it deals an extra 1d10 force damage. ", ", The unexpected magic effect of this spell made this journey particularly difficult. Have a nice day. The ground is blackish brown, and the dirt is cracked and dried up. ", ", Familiarity. The party’s bodies and equipment make it to the destination but their souls are left behind, their bodies become dormant until their souls (now in ghosts form) can make it back to their bodies. ", ", Teleportation circle was a conjuration spell that created a circle that teleported any creature within it to a chosen location.14 1 Effects 2 Components 3 Appendix 3.1 References Upon casting the spell over ten minutes, the teleportation circle appeared on the floor around the caster, or on whatever horizontal surface they stood on, with a diameter of 10 feet (3 meters). The visit e.g. The effect is indistinguishable from successful teleportation unless someone else was teleporting at the same time. It crumbles as they teleport away. An inter dimensional tavern and inn appears next to you. All creatures (or target objects) trying to teleport suffer 3d10 points of force damage, and then the DM recasts d100 and consults the above table to determine where you appear (you may die again, and you have to take the damage every time you die). Any attempts in the general area to teleport within 10 minutes of the original casting causes this mishap to repeat, targeting the new caster. “No such place” refers to a place that does not exist at all. But as soon as you attempt to approach them, you feel you soul and body get hot as your dragged away and teleported to the original desired location. A random party member secretly changes alignment for 1d4 days. All creatures within a 15 foot radius Sphere other than the caster must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. Each PC has a key in their hand to a different door in the complex. ", The latter can stop ingress and egress cold: have enough planar bleed from something suitable and you can claim -- straightfacedly -- that they're on a different plane, and so cannot teleport. The caster teleports to their intended destination, but with their left and right arm switched. "Another party has selected the same destination, causing your party to be sent to a pocket dimension that resembles a bad waiting room (out of date parchments in the table, substandard bards playing poor representations of popular songs, etc) for 1d4 hours while the magic’s realign so you can finish your journey. 7th Level. If the result is Even, nothing happens. The magi… "The circle's magic was not strong enough to send the party to their destination so the party arrives about half way in between their starting point and their destination. Passing through a Quantum Leap they no longer look like themselves. You hope it's unrelated...but it's probably not. ", The change of identity persists until they finish a quest. There is a half broken ship with a skeleton of an old man and a wood puppet. The caster is briefly teleported to a treasure vault filled to the brim with gold and valuables. a battlefield, a dragon's nest, a feast of a king, a brothel, the middle of an ocean, ... before they reach their final destination. An incredibly brilliant Fire Elemental has harnessed the power to ‘trap’ teleporters in their tracks and intend on using their arcane energy to power the device.
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