The very first time our eyes met was on a day I was coming home from school, so I was looking down the whole time thinking of a myriad of things, and so just as I looked up, I noticed him already staring, but his eyes moved down to my lips, and the way in which he smiled at me made me blush like crazy and made my heart skip a beat, but then I broke eye contact quick and moved on. 1. CHICAGO — Next time you're out walking about, you may want to give passers-by a smile, or at least a nod. (Complete)? Or at least an acquaintance of some sort. @gemini_rose (16268) April 6, 2008 3:25pm CST. If so, he may be trying to cheer you up. It is possible that he is being polite, and it is possible that he is interested in nourishing a relationship with you. What Does It Mean When A Guy Asks You How Your Day Was? He may have been attempting to be polite. If he has a great smile, he may know it, and use it to his advantage. Relevance. Determine what you want for your future. 13 Answers. When a Stranger Smiles Ch.1 Reemas: Jujuu Wake up! could travel round the earth. 9 years ago. for ex, in the line at walmart. Get your answers by asking now. :) 2 0. Usually when a guy takes time to smile at you it’s for a decent reason. Is s/he an Angel? Make a decision about what you want for your future and take appropriate action. If a stranger smiles at you..? If he has a great smile, he may know it, and use it to his advantage. Is there toilet paper on my shoe? Make a decision about what you want for the future of this relationship. Anonimo. I love this song so much, especially right now. Most people you walk by on the street go out of their way to look the other way. Does the guy in question know you pretty well? Just smile!!! He seems to be interested in sharing his kindness with you. What's something that makes your nights darker? We're going to be late ! I'm a friendly person so if someone smiles at me I'll usually smile back. This guy said I have a nice smile so wat does that mean. Have a great day, Cassy! You don’t need to leave cheery notes in every book you rent from the library (although, that is an awesome pastime), you don’t need to buy a coffee a week for a stranger, and you don’t need to pay for someone’s groceries. A smile could have no meaning behind it, but it is a little hard for us to know that. It is possible that he felt as though it would be appropriate to smile. What's the last thing you loved at the first sniff? Did he ever like me? Since the two of you do not know each other, you may want to introduce yourself. What does it mean if a total stranger smiles at you? If you want to nourish a friendship or romantic relationship with him, then speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. When a stranger smiles at you ,? I found this article very helpful, however I’m very confused about what happened at school this past week.. I smile at strangers first many times. Meet this guy in my workplace coming down the elevator he semi-smiled at first. I’m just confused because he usually does not smile and I’m wondering if he actually meant to smile at me. Speak with him about your feelings. Find out if the person who's in front of you right now is an Angel! He may be behaving in a professional manner or he may be attempting to gain your attention. Have a great day, Unknown! It is clear that he has been attracted to you for quite some time. Answer Save. Allow thoughts of him to fade. Find your group chat here >> start new discussion reply. When a stranger smiles at you or says a kind word when you are having a bad day, does it help? Nowadays, when you smile at a stranger, they look at you as if you’ve gone mad. They tell it to him and he looks at me,i look away and he starts smiling and laughing a lot. It knows how often you’ve smiled and which overall emotional state you are in therefore. Why is he smiling? i would feel attractive, first of all. Please share more of your positive comments in the future. 27 responses. Lv 6. These may include prolonged eye contact, subtle touching, playing with his hair and/or hugging. Have a great day, Stef! This statement is an indication that he is attracted to you. But you probably want specifics, right? However, if the two of you are already acquainted, at least a little bit anyways, he will smile at you as a method of flirting. No I would assume they are just being friendly and smile back. Have a great day, Jasmeet! How do you know whether he is flirting or just being nice? Answer Save. 2) A stranger whom you see frequently (e. g. gym, bus stop etc.) I sometimes stare at him during the assembly and his friends notice it. I got up and changed, and in the car i called Jude. 7 Answers. Make a decision about what you want for the future of this relationship. Relevance. When a Stranger Smiles Monday, January 28, 2013. Anonymous. he kept looking at me and smiling when both of us didn’t know what to say. When was the last time you grew up in a small town? When you smile at someone it makes them feel a little more optimistic. This is an indication that he is attracted to you. When someone is having a bad day, we kind of want to offer them something that might cheer them up a little bit. This could be a gift, a small hug, advice or even something as quaint as a smile. Nourish this relationship by spending additional time with him in person. Lv 6. It's just a friendly gesture, no biggie. Favourite answer. Maybe it's because of all the phony marketers and salesmen who ruin the meaning of a smile. There are some guys who just smile for the sake of it. To smile at a stranger in a meaningful way, then, requires we muster some kind of real feeling for them—that we care about someone we don't know, if … Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If he is, his smile to you may mean nothing. 44 risposte. (It was just me and him in the hallway at the time) he stared at me and held a smile between 5 to 7 seconds.. It is possible that he wants to nourish a relationship with you. Unless the person looks creepy and/or perverted, don't stress, be nice, smile back! So what is this supposed to mean? Well so there’s this guy right, he lives close to me and the story begun 7years ago. When a stranger smiles at you, do you smile back? Laurel (L_B) @Happy2BeMe (94202) • Canada. Even i catch him looking at sometimes. Relevance. It really depends on whether or not they are creepy. Me: I'm up I'm up.. What time is it? It doesn’t matter whether you know one another or not, it’s usually a pretty good sign if he sends a smile your way. Should you? Understand however we do not know each other and he never says anything but smiles now and be kind when he pass by and sees me not sure if I should say something I’m more on the shy end as well lol ?? Perhaps you could try adding him online so that he has another opportunity to hit on you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. He’d stare at my eyes and lips a lot, but no longer smile. I was about 16. Still have questions? What can a stranger do to make your day better? i would feel attractive, first of all. He’s not doing it for anybody but me. However, if he’s smirking, that’s a whole different story. lol. Go to first unread Skip to page: Anonymous #1 #1 Report Thread starter 5 years ago #1 Would you then approach her to start a conversation? Guys, when a female stranger smiles at you... Watch. I mean not in the I-like-you kind of way. Recently we still run into each other he smiles now every time he sees me and even holds the door he notices when I’m around not sure what this means ? On Tuesday, my principal comes out of his office and I was waiting for the bathroom. If you ran into him on the street and he smiles at you, he is signalling you to tell you that he thinks you are good looking. To identify why a guy is giving you a grin you must think of the situation that you are in at the time. If I am in a comfortable situation, then I would probably "smile back and even say hello in … By gemini_rose. 8 years ago. later even I also got to know that he knows that i like him. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. His behaviors have changed over time. How nice of a stranger to SMILE at you (who is also a stranger!). 50 Answers. 2 0. My friend always smiles when he sits next to me in class. Relevance. So I smile back and then smile at other strangers. You catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. Even though it takes some attention and energy, it costs you nothing, takes minimal time to acknowledge a person’s humanity and just might change the course of his or her day. he even left his friends to walk in the hallway with me. For some reason, I find that a lot of people tend to be dismissive of random smiles where I'm at. I like getting a smile every so often. He may just not be into being super obnoxious about it and thinks a smile will suffice. Hi, thank you for the article! First impressions can make or break so many opportunities in life, especially dates. Now, you should be really careful here. Did I do something funny? That’s why you came here. Smiles are nice and I think the world would be a better place if more people shared their smile :). It is possible that he is interested in developing a relationship with you. I haven’t actually told him about my feelings yet so I’m really hoping he feels the same. Have a great day, Cassy! There will not be much eye contact with the smile, if any at all. I told my friends about him and i don’t know how he got to know that i like him. When you are trying to decide what his smile meant, think about whether or not he was smiling at anyone else besides you. Anonymous. Lv 7. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings, and give him an opportunity to share himself with you. Pertinenza. 7 Signs Someone You Met Is An Angel. And smiling helps to generate more positive emotions within you. Of course! I started to like him, but never showed it. It is possible that he is attracted to you. criticlicious. Sure. Which makes it all the more precious and awesome! other girl - suspicious. Make a decision about what you want for your future, and speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Sam! I think it is a nice gesture. smiles at you for the first time. He may not smile in public. Our eyes usually meet, and then they just smile. i saw my friend who i haven’t seen in so long and he was making lots of eye contact with me and kept smiling a lot when we were talking. From the sound of it, it definitely seems possible that he likes you. He likely has decided that he may want to nourish your relationship.
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